Mugure finds her voice

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Mugure's mother noted with unease that her daughter had become more complacent. She was quieter, and showed great disdain for her little siblings who would try to disrupt her peaceful meditations. She was a young  lass on her sixteenth season. Somewhere between a cross of a blooming woman and a staggering girl. Puberty had cast noticeable pimples across her face, but womanhood had also etched it's curvaceous mark on her.

The general talk of the village was that some fair skinned people who talked through their nostrils had entered their territory. In a village that was considerably slower in adapting modern ways, the news was received with little enthusiasm. The warriors who had brought back the news talked of having seen their way of dressing. Peculiar garments made of cotton, which everyone was generally tickled by. Their own clothing was pieces of skin tied across the waist. The hides of skin came from various animals, the latest in fashion being leopard skin. The women piled on beads of colorful necklaces on their necks, which made their necks look sleek and elongated. The more necklaces you could pile on, the more beautiful you were considered.

Mugure's father belonged to the council of elders. They would sit together once a week and deliberate on new laws to govern the clan, as well as listen to the woes of their clansmen. The women would till the lands and the men were herdsmen.

On one cold morning, a man was seen entering the village. Word spread like wildfire and the council convened. The stranger caused quite the sensation. On his head was an exaggerated headdress, strappy sandals on his feet, a cotton shirt and the famous 'kaptula' which was basically cotton shorts. Mugure saw the man as she peered through the gaps in the hut and gaped. Here was a man from the future, only, his skin tone was like theirs. He talked at length with the council of elders.

During the afternoon meal, Mugure's father called her aside. He liked to engage in serious conversations with his daughter, who was wise beyond her years. He had not sired a son as his first born, but his daughter was better than ten sons put together. They eased into conversation topics ranging from the their bountiful harvest to talking about the fair skinned people who had come to their region. He broached the subject of the man who had payed them a visit. He was said to be a student who was training under the missionaries who had come into the country. They were teaching a new kind of religion with flowy language and a subject of numbers known as arithmetic. Mugure was fascinated. Here was something new that piqued her interest. She could see her mother looking at her with cold calculated eyes. Her mother believed in the simple way of life. That a woman's goal in life was to serve her family.

"He will come again tomorrow and would like some volunteers to accompany him to the mission." Her father said. He looked in askance at Mugure. He was a sharp man. He knew that the world was changing. One had to be prepared for it or else he would be caught unawares. The little village would soon be overturned. He had dreamt about this, being a visionary. He wanted his daughter to be prepared to face the new world.

So it came to be that the next day, Mugure packed her meagre belongings. The clansmen gathered and the people were informed about the European missionaries. The council advised them that it was imperative to be one step ahead of the changing world and volunteers were requested to step forward. Pin drop silence ensued.

Many thought that it was a waste of time. The villagers murmured against themselves.

"Such a waste of time!"

Mugure stood baffled, and stole a glance at her father. He nodded at her to urge her forward. She stepped out alone on the platform. It seemed like she was the only one willing to take the bull by its horns. The man from the mission was there, headdress and all.

Since only Mugure had volunteered, her eldest counsin was asked to accompany her to the mission. It was a day's journey, and they wasted no time in departing. She was to board at the mission and attend classes which included English language, Christian religion education and also arithmetic.

Mugure finds her voiceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora