Chapter 1

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We all know that when we make New Year's resolutions, we don't intend to conquer them all. 

There's always something unfinished.

 But we do it anyway. It's tradition.

Amelia howsoever, intends to make them all.

 So she made a plan. A very detailed plan may i add.

 She does not intend to lose. But life gets in the way. And all her resolutions are now thrown away.

She wanted to succeed in her career, save money, be there for all her friends, make her family proud.

 And she succeeds to do the complete opposite.

 She's not going down without a fight, but when she encounters and obstacle she can not pass she doubts about her own wishes and resolutions.

A new year means, more wishes, more chances, more possibilities.

 Amelia, wants to put all her problems away by making  new resolutions.

 She works at William's Industry, all she wants this year is to be promoted. She works hard, sometimes more than she should. She puts her work first, and tries to do everything right. But it's not that simple when you have a jerk as your boss. She started from the bottom and got here, but she still needs to do the bottom work, because of her boss. She doesn't want to fire back, because she thinks that will cost her, her job.

 She doesn't spend that much money either. This is one of her resolutions, she wants to save them, for later this year to take a worth vacation to a place she's never been. She manages the budget.

 Due to her 24 /7 work, she does not have that much time to spend with her friends. They think she should take a break, because she deserves it. They know she has big dreams, but they're starting to think, she doesn't care about them anymore. She needs to prove them wrong. 

With a New Year coming, Amelia is more than ready for it. 

January- After her little holiday break, she returns to work. Everything was planned out. She wasn't going to stay after hours to work, she had her time planned out from before. But then, out of nowhere her boss gives her a dozen of paperwork. Due to the paperwork she misses the dinner she planned with her friends. They weren't even surprised that she missed it. What they didn't understand was why would she plan this dinner if she wasn't going to come? No matter how many times she apologizes, they still didn't change their opinions. Her words say something and her actions say something else. It was clear for them that they started to grow apart. So when two of her friends, that have been together for 2 years decided to get married, they didn't told her. They didn't even invite her to the wedding. 

February- One month done, another elf to go. Her work status is good for now, and that's when she wants to make amends with her friends. But when she calls one of them their voicemail says 'Hey you reached Maddison. I can't respond right now, i am planning my wedding. Leave a message after the beep.'  She knows she doesn't have the right to be sad, after all she was the one  not answering their calls and messages. She feels guilty , but in the same time she feels left out. So she does what she should have done a while ago, she visits them. They were surprised by her visit, but at the end they were all so emotional. They all apologized, and Amelia was fixed on  not missing the bachelor party or the wedding for that matter. February went good on her. Because she still didn't knew what was going to happen.

March - While she was looking for a wedding present at work, she accidentally sent a wrong file to a client. A very important client. For that she could've been kicked out but she begged them to give her one more chance. It was her first mistake in a long time. She still had to fix the problem personal, pay the rent, get a wedding present, get a wedding dress. She knew she didn't had that money to spend, so she took some from the last months savings, knowing she would regret it. With less money left, a full month of hard work, and two or three times of spending time with her friends she was exhausted. That's when she bummed into someone. A person from the past, who brought her back to reality. He was convinced she wasn't the same girl he knew a few years ago. Amelia being stubborn, throws her first  chance out of the window by fighting with him. By the end of the month Amelia was feeling depressed.

Amelia (#ContestFifty-Four by  Skipper_019) | COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now