Fallen Crow

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    “Fushimi!” Misaki yelled, jumping on his skateboard, “take that back! Take it back now!”

    Fushimi only smirked, hiding what he felt inside. “Why should I? It is the truth, you just can’t bear to admit it, since you’re all about Mikoto. Right? Mi...Sa...Ki”

    “That’s it, you asked for it monkey!” Misaki swung at him with his bat, but Fushimi blocked with his sabre.

    Bringing his hand down to grab the edge of his board, Homra’s vanguard jumped up; his wheels barely missed Fushimi’s face before he landed, leaning back to turn towards his opponent.

    Fushimi clucked his tongue and flicked his wrist. and a dagger fell from his sleeve to his hand. With a quick motion, his swung his arm and threw it.

    There was a thunk as it lodged itself in Misaki’s skateboard, held over his face for protection. The vanguard yanked it out and threw it as far as he could, so it would be of no use. He jumped back on his skateboard and started towards a space between two buildings, hoping it would lead to the other side of the street. He heard Fushimi smirk behind him and veered away just before he entered the passageway, it must have been a dead end. There was barely time for Misaki to duck and pull his skateboard up before Fushimi’s sabre collided with the metal and then slipped down to scrape a gash through the Homra insignia.

    Furry burst through Misaki at the ruined paint. He grabbed for his bat and swung at Fushimi. It hit his former friend in the arm, hard. Fushimi grunted and backed up quickly.

    “You really hate me then, don’t you?” He asked, holding his arm tenderly.

    For a moment Misaki was guilty, he wanted to run to him and object, to let himself be folded in Saru’s arms and tell him he was being an idiot, that they still had to accomplish their dreams. But he couldn’t, not after everything they had been through, not after Fushimi had betrayed Homra. “Of course I hate you,” Misaki ached with every word, “No, what I feel towards you is more than hate. You’re the worst person I could ever had asked for as a friend."

   Fushimi’s eyes darkened. He started to briskly walk towards the vanguard. Startled, Misaki took a few steps back, right in to the alley. Fushimi’s sword glinted in the dim light, before piercing Misaki’s chest.

    Blinding pain flashed through the crow, he stumbled back and fell, pulling Fushimi with him.

                                                                                        ·    ·    ·

    Why did this happen? Misaki stared up at the sky between the brick buildings, blood pooled around him.

    “Misaki…” Fushimi’s Reika had pierced right next to the crow's Homra mark.

    Misaki blinked slowly, he offered Fushimi a broken smile; it was soft. Dying. He was losing too much blood, Misaki knew he was going to die soon.

    “Is this what you wanted… Saru?” He gave a soft cough and blood ran from the corner of his mouth.

    “Misaki, no, I didn’t…” tears streamed from Fushimi’s eyes and fell to elder’s face as he realized what had happened. His hands released the sword and he stumbled back away from Misaki.

    “Saru?” Misaki let out a choked cough, “Before it’s too late,” he forced himself to say, “Tell me, why did you leave Homra?”

    Fushimi was silent was silent. He sat against the wall, stunned.

    “Please, Saru.” Misaki tipped his head to look at him. His hazel eyes were dull. “Why did you leave me?”

    Scepter Four’s third in command watched as Misaki curled his fingers into a weak, frustrated fist.

    “I thought,” He started to say, “I thought you didn’t care about me anymore.” He turned to look at the dying vanguard.

    Misaki let out a weak laugh, “Stupid monkey, I’ll always… care about you.”

    Fushimi drew a breath, he looked at the red clansman, who had closed his eyes. “What?” He whispered.

    There was a small huffing sound, Fushimi suspected Misaki was trying to laugh. His chest rose and fell in tiny movements, and then stopped.

    “Misaki?” He got on his hands and knees and crawled back over, “Misaki?”

    The older boy didn’t respond. Fushimi touched his hand and flinched away, Misaki was cold. His tears started to flow more rapidly and panic welled inside him.

    “Misaki?” His voice started to grow high pitched with desperation. He cupped Misaki’s face with one hand, shaking, “open your eyes, Misaki.”

    No response.

    “Please, please, Misaki.” Fushimi hunched over so their faces weren’t even inches apart. “It wasn’t supposed to be like this.”

    “Get away from Yata, you bastard!” Someone yelled.

    Fushimi heard running and then a hand found his shoulder and threw him aside.

    “Shit, Misaki? Wake up man.” Chitose crouched down next to the fallen crow. He flipped out his cell and called the rest of Homra and an ambulance.

    It was no use, they both knew it.

    The alley was filled with yelling and movement, eventually Misaki’s body was taken. Fushimi stared at his sword, lying in a puddle of blood where they had left it. No one had paid him any attention when they had seen Misaki.

    He sat there for what felt like hours, eventually Munakata had heard the news and had gone out looking for him.

    “They’re holding his funeral, do you want to go?” He had asked.

    Fushimi made a decision. He stood up, and sprinted to find Misaki.

                                                                                               ·    ·    ·

Misaki's feuneral was held at the same place Totsuka had died. Homra was going to burn him, and were saying their farewells.

     Fushimi stood further away, to stay out of sight, crying silently.

     "Yo, Saruhiko." Mikoto turned to look at him.

     He quickly wipped his tears and looked at the red king.

     "Go ahead." Mikoto said, motioning with his head.

     The blue clansman drew a breath. Everyone in Homra went silent, they turned to look at Fushimi, moving out of his way so there was a direct path to Misaki.

     Fushimi took a step forward, forcing his legs to move. He stopped in front of Misaki, and touched his hand. The fabric of Misaki's shirt started to glow red, a Homra mark flew up into the sky. Fushimi watched it, unsure of what to feel. He walked past Misaki and jumped up on the railing.

     "What the--?" Chitose started forward, but Mikoto put out a hand to stop him.

     Fushimi looked away, so Mikoto really was kind. He took one last look at Misaki, and jumped.

     A second red symbol floated up to join the first.

A/N: sorry for my crappy ending. I ran out of ideas, if you have one tell me and I'll change it...

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