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"Finally, the letter came in," I said aloud with the letter in hand. It was the letter to let me know if i had been accepted. If you don't know what I'm talking about I, Percy Blake Homes, submitted an application to Rome Academy. A school for kids with amazing gifts like dancing, singing, and etc.

My gift is writing. Ever since I was a kid i had a vivid imagination. I could describe everything I saw in my head to the exact detail. Most people called me weird and a freak but my mom told me I'm what some call a psychic. I can see into the future and tell what's going to happen through my writing but lately, It hasn't been working.

I opened the letter and the words 'CONGRADUATIONS' was the first thing i read before my dad took the letter for me to read it. He read it quickly and started running around screaming to the whole world that i made it. He ran towards me and gave me a big hug. He spinned me around holding me tightly.

"Paris, congratulations you are the first Homes child to make it into an art academy"

"Thank you, Dad," i said with a big smile.

My mom soon arrived home and my dad told her the big news. She screamed and ran towards me. Her hugs were lethal. She squeezed me with every ounce of her strength making it hard for me to breathe. When she finally let go i gasped for air. She apologized and held my face.

"I always knew you were talented, You have always made me proud," She said. Tears fell from my eyes. They were tears of joy. She pulled me into a hug and my dad joined.

We have always been a Trio. I have been blessed with amazing parents. It's one of the reasons why I'm scared to leave because I don't want to lose that bond with them. My chest felt heavy and my father held me tighter.

"It's okay son, we're going to miss you too. You have nothing to worry about" he reassured me. See what I'm talking about, he always knows when I'm feeling sad or depressed but he also knows how to cheer me up. "How about we order some food for old time sake" I looked up at him and nodded. "Okay, we have to let go first" We all finally dropped our arms and headed to the living room. We sat on the sofa. My mom then kissed my dad on the lips and put my hand up blocking my vision.

"Eww," I said still holding my hand up. She began to laugh and kiss my dad even more.

"All right what do we want to order," My father asked. We ended up ordering Chinese food as per usual and we cuddle up to each other and my father threw a blanket over us. We picked a scary movie because scary movies are my favorite. The Saw movie series was amazing nobody can tell me otherwise.

After we watched one of the movies, we watched Nightmare on Elm Street and waited for our food. I don't know when but I dozed off pretty quickly.

I soon opened my eyes to see I was in a red room. I called out for my mom and dad but there was no one there. Then out of the blue, there was a knock at the door. I walked towards it and slowly opened it. There was no one there it was just an empty black void. I turned around to see a throne in the same spot my couch was. I walked towards it and gently placed my hand on it.

The room began to set ablaze cause me to jump onto the throne. The fire began to get hotter and hotter burning everything in sight. I screamed for help multiple times hoping I would wake up soon. Then a giant of a man walked into the room. He had a very large spear with two pointy ends. He looked at me as if he knew exactly who I was. He came closer to me and put his giant hand on my face. His hand was warm. I looked into his eyes and all I saw was pain.

"I miss you," he said and I woke up gasping for air with my heart beating fast. My mother had me in her lap and my father put wet towels on me. I sat up pretty quickly and fell back down feeling dizzy.

"What happened," I said breathing heavily.

"There was a knock on the door and you got up to open it and it was the delivery guy, you ran back to the couch screaming, you then passed out, we felt your body and you were burning up," my mother said caressing my arm. "What did you see"

"I saw fire and then there was a giant man who came in the living room and the room was on fire, he said he 'missed me," I said looking at my father. He looked at my mother with a worried look as if this has happened before.

"This isn't the first time I acted out is it" i asked slowly sitting up.

"no, you usually just sleep talk" my mother answered.

I looked over and saw the food on the table and went to go eat. My father and mother chuckled. They joined me and we all ate until we were full. Throughout the rest of the night, I felt as if I was being watched. It felt like my eyes were watching me from behind.

I finally went to my room. Laying in my bed one last time. This was my last night here. I let out a sigh grabbing every stuffed animal I have gotten. I surrounded myself with all my memories.

This was it. This is will be my last night. I kinda want to cry but I won't because I will be able to visit sometimes but only for the holidays. I'm going to miss this place. I laid down falling fast asleep.

"I miss you"

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