Information about you

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Before joining Overwatch, you were a mercenary doing very dangerous jobs, on one job you were infiltrating the new organization Talon, you were caught and you lost all of your limbs and almost all of your organs stopped working, but somehow you survived and Talon saw that you amazing when it comes to combat, they saw potential in you for one of their projects, Doomfist had you rebuilt into an emotionless cyborg, you had cybernetic limbs that give you incredible strength and speed, you're organs, muscles and nerves have been cybernetically enhanced as well, and you also have sensors and scanners in your optic nerves (nerves in your eyes) that allows you to detect and identify almost everything, you are also incredibly tall now standing at 6'7, and when you get very angry or get very injured you go berserk and lose all self control and causing you to destroy everything in sight, it causes your eyes to glow red, for over a year you've been known as an emotionless killer filled with anger and hate that is feared all around the world, but on one mission you snapped out of Talon's control when a young cadet from Overwatch approached you, instead of killing her you let her see your sorrow and misery, she calls herself Tracer, she convinces you to join Overwatch and change your path, now an agent of Overwatch and member of Blackwatch, you've sworn to vanquish chaos and evil and to make sure that justice is delivered

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