The Nightmare

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He was on fire. That was Danny Fenton’s only thought as he was dragged down to the trembling earth, the building exploding all around him: blasting him back, slamming him onto the blackening concrete, tearing at his flesh, grating dust burning hot in his lungs. But he didn’t feel any of this. No, awareness only came from the fire spreading out, engulfing the restaurant that once used to be the Nasty Burger. But even as flames lapped at his form, they could not touch him—or if they did, it could never compare to the icy burn in his heart. A chill greater than any explosion…the fire that had shattered Danny’s soul.

For trapped in the now burning hell were his family, or, who used to be his family. Now they were nothing more than ashes darkening the sky. Danny’s whole world just perished in that place: his caring mom, his eccentric dad, his way to smart sister Jazz, his best friend Tucker, and his Sam, all now gone. Sam was gone, and he’d watched her burn along with his family. Danny had not been able to save them. And as he lay on the too hot pavement, ash slowly covering his body, flames licking at his feet, Danny knew that they had forgiven him. They had seen him running, trying to get there and free them from the boiler that was about to explode with them on it… his family had watched him fall, and when he met their eyes he knew, they had forgiven him.  Forgiven him for not making it.

His family had left him. Yet Danny knew he would survive. The fire could not claim him. While tears fell down his face as blackness set into his heart and eyes, Danny knew that in this one moment of blissful unconsciousness, creeping along the edges of sanity, he would be permitted to rest with his family one final time. For when the halfa awoke again on the white bed in room 666, he would be forced into battle once more. If only to keep the promise to the ones he loved. And with this, Danny Fenton fell into their arms, surrounded by rocks and the swirling fire that could not seem touch him, for a small green shield flickered in and out of existence, preventing the flaming burns to scorch his skin. And in this one peaceful moment, Danny could forget the reason why everyone was dead.

The dream was always the same. It happened every night, always the same time, and every night Danny was awoken drenched in sweat and uncontrollable shaking. This night was no different. Silently he stood, stretching his back as he headed to the bathroom for a shower. As the water heated Danny stepped out of his night pants, he had long since given up the use of a shirt since he always managed to rip apart the cotton fabric and stepped under the spray, letting its scalding heat wash away the horrors. So that Danny could begin his day. For a little over a year now this was his routine: he would wake, shower, dress, and by six be out the door heading to the park for a run.

The morning air was crisp and cool for a day in California, much to Danny's pleasure. He always found it easier to run in colder weather, most likely due to his ghost powers but still, he wouldn't complain. Coming around a bend, the sun peeked higher in the sky, casting light right on Titan's Tower, illuminating it for all its worth, and if anyone other than Danny had been there, they would have stopped in awe. But for him it was only a symbol of hypocrisy. The dream steadily worked its way into his vision and Danny had to use all of his strength not to fall onto the concrete and let it take him over. He kept running. He didn't need this pain, Stupid Dream! Stupid Titans! Stupid Titan's Tower! He was running along the beach now, silently cursing his adoptive Dad for requesting he live in Jump City well not really. Danny would never admit it, especially to the fruitloop but in truth, he was grateful to the man for letting him leave, to not stay in Amity Park, or move to Wisconsin. It made keeping his promise easier. Sometimes. Most days Danny just tried to get by. He was nearing the next curve that would take him past the beach and back on Main Street when suddenly he heard a loud boom, followed shortly by a scream that sounded like it was coming directly above him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2018 ⏰

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