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"Mercedes was a 25 years old woman who is living with dreams and that dream is becoming a wrestler. The best part was that she was a champion and had a beautiful life with her husband, Sarath Ton.

But, all of that went upside down. She lost the championship and worst of all, is being divorced to the person you thought that he would be your forever, but he didn't love her back.

Instead, he went cheating against her with another woman and left her with nothing. One thing that she would never ever do is to love again.

No title, no husband and no family to support her because they were in Boston, Massachusetts and she is in New York, City.

Mercedes couldn't help but cry as she stare at the waves crashing down the seashore and continued watching it on a rock.

She wiped her tears and saw that the sun was setting, so she decided to head back to her hotel room.

She turned the T.V on a watched the news.

This is an urgent news. There have been some strange sightings of a man that suddenly turned into a demon. Some say that it is an urban legend. We still don't know if it is true, but all we could do stay indoors and never go outside especially during night time.

Mercedes immediately turned off the T.V. "Stupid New York legends" She said under her breath as she laid her body on her bed.

Her clothings were already packed inside her bag and her passport is laying in top of her desk prepared for her flight towards Boston tomorrow.

She have already told the wrestling company that she would be taking a break for 2 months due to all of these nonsense she had been having.

Luckily they agreed and allowed her to take a break.

As for her ex husband, she had no clue where would he be and why would she even care?

Mercedes started to feel drowsy and started blinking. As she slowly closed her eyes, a strange figure suddenly showed in front of her. She blinked and the figure was getting closer then it disappeared.

She finally closed her eyes until someone covered her mouth. She took a glimpse on that person, but her view was still blur.

As her sightings get clearer, the more the figure becomes more different from any other guy or even a person.

She soon realised that it was a Demon. Her eyes widen as she suddenly fainted.

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