Cupid Strikes On New Years

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"My flight, my flight I can't miss my flight," Cassandra a brown skinned women states as she runs through the terminal.

As she makes it up to the desk there is one person in front her, their close to finishing and she feels the anxiety build up in her chest with the thought of missing her flight.

After a few seconds she feels a presence walking behind her, but she pays no heed to it as the person in front of her grabs their ticket and walks away.

She takes one step to move up when she feels a tap on her shoulder, she turns around annoyed and sees no one. Turning back around aggravated she sees a guy walking in front of her to go talk to the receptionist.

"That scoundrel tricked me and is trying to steal my spot. Not today mister!" Cassandra huffs and stomps up beside the man. Then she sticks out her foot and watches as he goes tumbling to the ground, bag and all.

The man looks back up at her with a glare. And she gives him an innocent look then smirks.

Quickly she turns around towards the desk and greets the receptionist.

"I need to get on the flight to Paris, as soon as possible." She exhaled trying to speed up the process with the already wasted time.

"I'm sorry madam, but the flight to Paris just left 2 minutes ago," the receptionists stated looking irritated.

"What no, it couldnt have, I was here, I was so close. There must be another one, please." Cassandra begs the lady.

With a huff the receptionist types through her computer. "There is another flight to Paris," the receptionist states.

Cassandra's face lights up and she exhales. "Oh thank gosh, I was beginning to worry. When is it?" Cassandra ask smiling.

"Its in 12 hours," the receptionist says staring blankly.

"12 hours!!" Cassandra and a voice behind her state at the same time.

With enough force to give herself whiplash Cassandra turns around. "You missed the flight too?" Cassandra ask in dismay.

"Yeah, it seems like were in the same boat," the scoundrel says glaring at her. "I can't wait for 12 hours I don't even have a hotel room, where am I supposed to wait?" The man ask turning to the receptionist.

"Yes, same here," Cassandra says crossing her arms.

The receptionists types away on her computer then looks up. "I'm sorry sir, madam," she says before getting interrupted.



They both state at the same time, before looking at each other with a glare.

"Yes, well there is only 1 hotel room we can give out. So you both have to decide who gets it. Or you both can share it," the receptionist says.

Aiken closes his eyes for a second before exhaling. "Fine. Give it to the woman," he says holding the bridge of his nose.

Cassandra looks up at him baffled. Did he really just give up the room? Where will he sleep? Many thoughts run through her head, and after some debating with her self she comes up with a solution.

"No. Well share the room. We may be strangers, but I don't think he minds the couch," Cassandra says firm.

"What? No" Aiken says

"Okay, 1 room reserved for 2 in Quickens Hotel," the receptionist says typing away before handing them some papers. "A cab will be waiting to take you there," She says.

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