Request Here!

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Hey! Just as the title says; these are a compilation of scenarios featuring all of the cast of NDRV3. Feel free to request a scenario or one shot. However please follow these guidelines to do so:

1. scenario requests will feature all characters unless you specify one or a few. If this is done, then I will likely go into greater detail because there are fewer to do

2. don't request all but one or two characters (leave them out basically). If this happens I'm just going to go ahead and do all of them

3. one shot requests are limited to three characters top per request unless you can convince me to do otherwise

4. you must specify what character you want on the one shot. It is also very encouraged that you give me something to write specifically to help me write something you will personally enjoy. Don't be scared; lots of times people want the same thing as you, but are too afraid to say it.

5. I will write any type of scenarios/one shots (fluff, AU's, lemons, limes, etc.) but I prefer to keep it PG13. However, feel free to request however you see fit.

6. Requests should only be on THIS PAGE. Anywhere else requests are submitted will be directed here. However, if it's something personal, I will take dms.

7. Have fun, no hate, if you disagree with something you can DISCUSS it with me or anyone else, but arguing and meaningless hate will be deleted.

Thanks! Now go have fun! But not too much ;3c

Please remember that these are only my personal opinions and analysis'. I do not own Danganronpa or it's characters and none of this is canon. Thanks^^

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