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a few things before we start:

•this book is based on the plot of falsettos- if you haven't listened to it you could probably still read this but i highly recommend it because it's such a great musical.

•the title is, as you see, whizzer do you think...? inspired by 'everyone tell jason to see a psychiatrist.' the chapter titles can replace the ... and make a full sentence.

•falsettos takes place in the late 1970s and early 1980s but for the purpose of this book they will have cell phones and other various forms of modern technology.

•the chapters i have planned as of now will be written and published in order, but if you guys request something or i have another idea i will still post it. the chapters will all appear in order on the table of contents but may not be posted chronologically.

i hope that all made sense- i'm looking forward to writing this book!

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