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The day was calm not like a calm good day more like a calm stormy. Day I thought to my self I was so scared to meet the people is be living with i could. Only hope that id make friends since I would be there for 5years for a hit and run my thoughts. Stopped as I reached the gate I hope off the bus my crulry. Brown hair fell onto my back I had light skin and brown eyes like my mother whom I never knew I looked around to see my new home

Watching allie. Play ball I smiled laying my head on maxie and heard the sounds of whisper an then I knew a new arrival I then saw her come in just another young girl no older then 19 she was very slim and short yet I felt like I have seen her before maybe a picture I thought then I saw juices eyes wonder to her I walked inside with the others and brought allie to my room and kissed her softly. And began our everyday chats

I walked into a big room with many rooms which I figured. Were cells the guard left me so I was all,alone hi! Said a voice behind me im Doreen im the peer worker and ima show you the ropes I didn't speak I only fallowed oh she said very serious never press the red button. Again I never spoke but then I saw a women with big red hair who looked very similar. To my adoptive. Mothers friend Bea I only looked for a min and then went into my room,and settled. In.
Chapter 2 meeting the boys
I was lost again looking for the chow hall so I fallowed the women with the red hair when I felt someone staring at me i looked over to see a older women who compared to me was a gainet. I smiled,and walked away I was nervous. So I sat alone and watched everyone eat while I sipped on a cupa tea.

The freak (Joan)
My eyes burned though my heart I was stunned did I just see her or was i going insane it was my jiahanna. It had to be but I don't remember her being so small I could see her sitting alone but I could also see Lucy gomabrio who people call juice staring at her then I saw it juice was walking over there to here and so was Bea my heart stopped what was I to do i just sat there and like others I stared at her buety.                                                      
I walked over to the girl and I could see juice was already trying to talk her up but by my surprise the young girl wouldn't speak I love juice said what's a pretty girl,like you sitting alone again she never spoke I looked at her alright honey come sit with me ok? She never spoke and than juice spoke up again hey girl are you def I heard the top dog speaking to you she got up and left without saying a word . What's with the newbie I meanshes a looker but she dosnt talk she smiled and I looked at her strongly. Juice. Leave the poor thing alone I sat at my table and tried to think wear I saw her. Are you alright red? Boomer said yeah yeah im fine booms just I thinkniv seen the new girl before
Me (jane)
I was so stressed and my anxiety. Started to creep up I knew I needed a fix but how was I to find something hi there I almost jumped when I turned around and saw the giant women again  oh need to be shy im Joan can I ask you something. I looked down not answering she stepped in my room and closed the door I quickly. Grabbed a pen and put it up like a weapon I shook like a leaf.. Whoa now calm down im not gonna bite you she put her hand up and I lowered the pen still unsure of the woman I was nervous. Aw   your not gonna speak to me? You well I am across the hall if you wanna talk she's then looked at my wall and saw my picture of my mother when I was born she looked at me and stammerd and then grabbed me and put me up to the wall I started crying and then it went black

Are you alright saidbthe women with red hair  I awoke and looked up and three women were over me one who I knew was Doreen the peer worker and the other was a women I heard the name of boomer I quietly. Said auntie Bea is that you? I sat up and she looked shocked how did you know my name I then remembered were I was and I quickly. Got up to run but the red haird. Women grabbed me I shut my eyes tight. Leave me alone please I threw a right hook and nailed her across the face and then a blonde girl charged at me I went into a fall,and shook
Allie said the girl with red hair im ok now then she looked at me closely what's your name? I looked up and wisperd my name is jane
Chapter 3
Janeie? Is that you??? I looked up at her she was shocked I quickly. Stood up and said in a stammerd tone don't call,me Janeie only my family can do that she started. Hugging me its me! Its Bea! God I havnt. You since you were a child running around with debbie I stopped her you havnt seen me since my break down Bea now then leave me alone I stood up and realized I had wet myself frombthe seizer I had great I mumbled. Max said Bea help her change please oh no I said. Quickly. I am fine just shower me where I can shower
What have I done I thought I just saw my love jiahanna pass out from out seen to be a seizer I was shaken up I saw her again and I fallowed. Her she was headed to the showers I thought maybe she would talk to me I began to get my shower things
(Jane) hmm cool I thought no one was in the showers so I could have privacy. I heard the door open I looked around and saw no one I undressed and turned on the shower and then as I closed my eyes to wet my hair I heard the curten. Open it was the women who was named juice. Or Lucy I couldn't remember but then I saw two other girls with her I got scared and I back against. The wall oh lookie. Said the women she's a tight looking one she grabbed my arm I tried to cover my scared legs and my breast but the other girls knocked my hands away leave me alone I said nervously. Oh don't be fainted im just here to give you a taste of your new life she bend me over the sink and rubbed my fanny whata think girls she said laughing stop I cried don't touch me I was able to kick the womenans run but I didn't make it to the door before. They grabbed me just relax love it only hurts alil the women took and brush out and bent me over stop! I yelled as she began to rub the handle against me stop your swriming as soon as she went to put it in she banged my head against. The sink then I couldn't breath my eyes started. To bink. Rapatily and my body went limp I heard the door and saw the giant. Women who was obviously. Mad she grabbed. The women and threw her against the wall don't touch the girl again she hissed then another group,came in as I hit the floor unable to move in fear my heart. Beat lowered as I saw the women who could've. Been my aunt start yelling then I realized my head was bleeding was the cut I started to feel my heart slower more.
I kicked juice in her ribs an yelled what were you thinking!  I am intilted. To my pound of flesh Bea! She said angrily I then saw the freak drop to her knees over my neice. Smith she said in a broken tone we are losing her! I got down on my knees and yelled for her to get away she got up an  backed away but I could feel her staring I then remembered. Why I couldn't place the girl her mother was my friend she had been adopted and she had a serious. Seizer condition. She's ok she's just out of it then miss miles walked in whatin bloody hell is going on Smith! All of you go! The girl started to come to so I helped her up and I finally. Noticed her legs they were cut up and scared we helped. Her back to her room in D block I stopped and spoke to caz well I let allie speak to caz asking her to watch the girl
I waited for dark and snuck. To the girl's room she was sleeping so soothing I saw the picture. Of my jiahanna. On her wall I saw her snilie I touched the picture. Softly I felt. My heart yarn for her I sat on her bed and touched her leg so softly god it feels so good I thought I put my hand higher up her leg and felt her skin against my finger tips I heard her sigh and saw scares on her what could,those be from I wounderd. She awoke what are you doing in here she asking nervously. Leave me alone im not here to hurt you jiahanna. She looked at me in awe how did you my middle name my name is Jane or Janeie either one my mothers my was jiahanna your mother my voice broke yes that's her and me in that. Picture. Before she went to prison and I went to the state home for girls I looked at her what happens. Tobher I ask nervous the asked she lookednat me she hung herself my heart sank this young girl,was a copy of my love I couldn't. Let anyone hurt her my jiahanna. Must of sent her to me I thought I knew your mother Janeie I said quickly you did?yes I did she was my everything and now I have you  she smiled and yawned are you sleepy jiahanna. I mean Janeie I asked mmhmm she layed. Her head back and I watched her drift off

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2018 ⏰

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