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Sean sat in front of the camera, doing a solid snake voice impression. No one would ever see it. No one would ever appreciate this brown haired teens mediocre videos. Or so he thought....

Sean uploaded the video and sighed. No one would even know who he was.. JACKSEPTICEYE would just be another channel that had been consumed by the depths of YouTube.

Sean paced his room. There was no point in trying. There was no point in trying to continue this YouTube career. It would fail, just like everything else he had tried to do..

But, who know that so much could change in such a little amount of time?

Jack sat in his room, running a hand through his fluffy green hair. He had been walking through the store when a stranger gave something to him. It was a small pocket watch, it was broken. “You have one shot.. Use it carefully.” he had said.

Jack stood and spun the watch around in his palm. He knew what he had to do, he knew what this watch was. He grabbed his phone and went to his YouTube channel, smiling when he saw the familiar 17 million appear. He put his phone away and twisted the knob on the side if the old pocket watch..

A few years could change a lot.

Sean sat on his bed, sniffling and wiping the tear as he stared at the one subscriber he had. He had uploaded three videos since the first one he had uploaded a month ago.. But nothing had changed. He still felt as if he was nothing but a speck in the YouTube community.

Sean gasped and covered his eyes as a blinding light flashed in his bedroom. He uncovered his eyes and saw a man with a familiar blue hoodie and a familiar face. He had fluffy green hair and the same smile.

Sean gaped at him. “who- who are you?” Sean asked. “I'm you, from the future..” the man replied. He then showed Sean his phone screen, which displayed his YouTube name, JACKSEPTICEYE, and a live subscriber count below it. He watched as the 17 million switched to 18. “who are those people?” Sean asked. “our fans.” the man replied, tears falling from his face. Sean now had tears trailing down his face too. “s-so that means...” “we did it.” the man finished.

Sean smiled and let a sob escape his lips as he leaned forwards and hugged his future self. “we did it..” they said in unison.

OUR FANS // a jacksepticeye short storyWhere stories live. Discover now