Banning Books

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Hello, my name is Beatrice Brainy, and I welcome all of you to the fifteenth Bann and Burn Society meeting. I will be discussing the impact of reading on children and teens and explain why we must take a step forward and ban these horrendous objects known as books.

There's no reason for adults to worry about the younger generation with technology. These hateful books have caused so many to go insane, and you can't even make the readers look up for a second from these BOOKS. You suggest that they go outside, use their phone, or go on social media. But, no all they do is read, and read. They read everywhere. Children are spending forever reading. We need to stop this. According to the Government of Canada in 2010, Canadians spend over an hour each day reading. Meanwhile, in the United States, they have Trump and only spend 19 minutes a day reading. Can't we be more like America? Books promote and persuade messages to their readers. These messages could flip our entire world upside down as children and teenagers will be the global leaders one day. Books like the Narnia Series even persuade readers that magic is beautiful. Suzanne Collins' Hunger Games promotes the killing of people, particularly children. Meanwhile, Animal Farm encourages revolutions and war. Why are we promoting murder and war?

I have told you a couple well-known banned books already, let's use Harry Potter as another example. It has rightly been banned due to the high violence, anti-family and satanic themes. JK Rowling, the author of the offensive Harry Potter series, has stated that "I have met thousands of children now, and not even one time has a child come up to me and said, 'Ms. Rowling, I'm so glad I've read these books because now I want to be a witch." Clearly, no child would need to approach Ms. Rowling because they have all the knowledge from her evil books. Hermione Granger, a main character has been known to walk into the Restricted Section and take out multiple books. If she does this what sort of message do you think is being promoted? The younger generation might follow her lead and read pornographic magazines, stories promoting magic and other silliness.

I have told you the everlasting impacts on children and teens alike. Now, stand up to the librarians, English teachers and young book enthusiasts and yank those books out of their hands. Join my fellow members and me on July 2nd, 2018. When we march to Kathleen Wynne, book publisher and tell them these loathsome objects cannot be promoted any longer. On July 3rd, we will raid bookstores and libraries. We will have a massive campfire with the books and burn them to make sure children will never be led astray again. We will roast marshmallows and celebrate the banning of these foul items. Long live the Ban and Burn Society.


Authors Note:

Hi! I wrote this speech after being instructed by an English teacher to choose a topic that I adore.  The first thing to come to mind was my love of reading.  So, ta da!!! 

What do you think? 


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