Paige Lupin-Black

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     Sometimes, it's best to laugh in the face of Death.Other's???You should cry tears of anger, for he has taken away the ones you love. Selfishly, he stole them so Life wouldn't win at her own game.
                                ~Paige L.B.
              Stuffed Doggie Part 1
    "Sirius, have you seen Paige's stuffed puppy?She won't sleep without it..."A very tired Remus said as he searched everywhere.Sirius didn't answer."Padfoot?"Remus stopped searching.He walked into kitchen, where Sirius sat with Paige in his lap, fast asleep."How...How'd you...?"Remus was stunned until he looked at the wand on the table."Please tell me you didn't use a spell to induce her slumber..."Remus glared, crossing his arms."I prefer to call it 'Giving her a little nudge'."Sirius smirked.Remus glared for a moment before looking around."....Did you ever get Teddy from the Potter's?"
Sirius made his expression blank.
"You didn't, did you?" "It's fine!I'll retrieve him in the morning!"
Sirius said in a calm tone."Don't forget him this time..."
                  Luca Hagrid Potter
     "Paige, make sure you tell Minnie hi from the both of us!"
     "Got it, Siri."
     "You message us as soon as the train stops, got it?"
     "Yes, Remy..."
"And be careful with the people you trust, got it?"
     "Dads, you're gonna make me miss the bus!I want to make it to Hogwarts before you start worrying, kay?I'm also sure Teddy wants to go..."I look at my older brother who glares at me impatiently.
     Siri(Sirius), sighs and pulls me into a hug, slipping a piece of paper into my satchel.He pulls away, combing my hair with his fingers and planting a kiss on my forehead.
      Remy(Remus), places a necklace with a huge turquoise stone attacked to it."What's this?"I ask, looking at the stone."Press the side."I nod and do as I'm told.The stone opens, revealing the necklace to be a locket.Inside was a picture of the day they took me in and a picture of me at the age of 5.
I look up at Remy and smile."Thank you..."The train whistle blows and I jump.I turn and take off for the open door then stop at the entrance.
     I run back, them both grabbing me in a hug.I wipe my face on their coats as the tears fall.I could never leave without saying 'I Love You', just in case I never see them again.I may seem dramatic, but I've lost a lot of people, and if I lost them I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if I never told them those three words.After a few more tears and goodbyes, I board the train and wave out the side window before finding an empty cabin.
        I sit on one of the seats and lean against window.I hadn't slept last night, my dads kept me up, discussing the dos and don'ts of Lupin-Black's. Some where jokes, some where serious, and some where based off of things they've done themselves.I smile, pulling my animal cage towards me.My animal will be against the rules, but that's fine.I'll try my best to keep her safe and hidden.I don't know when, but eventually, I fall asleep.
      *20 Minutes Later...

      I wake up to the sound of someone crying, which is funny considering I was alone earlier.I look to see who is weeping.A small boy with auburn looking hair sat there, staring at something in his lap.Is that...A photo?
He wiped his face with his sleeves.
     "So... So...So-sorry, Dads.I didn't me-mean to...."He sniffled as he tried to hold the pieces together.I pull my wand out of it's case and aim at the photo."Reparo..."I say weakly but well enough for the spell to work and to scare the poor child.He looks at the mended photo then me."Thank you...
Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you..."
He looks at me through his thick lashes.His eyes were turquoise.I blinked."Oh, I'm fine.I'm Paige-"
"Lupin-Black?Yeah, I recognise you. We've never formally spoken..."
He put on a pair of glasses and I instantly remember him."You're the youngest Potter!Um...Luca!"
     He smiles."I'm glad someone remembers me..."I looks back at the photo."....Who's the photo of?"
He snaps his head up, blushing from embarrassment."It's's a picture of me and my dads...."He smiles at the photo.
       "Potter...."I say, grabbing his attention."Yes, Paige?"I smile at my name."Would you like to be friends?"
His eyes light up and he nods."Of course!"He gets up and walks to my side, hugging me."....Best friends...."He murmurs.

So this my first time doing this.If you have a request, tell me.Also, let me know if you want more like this.Sorry this one is so short, I'm reeeally sleepy and just got done having a panic attack.Anywho, please let me know what you think if my OCs.Should I change something about them?

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