On The Eve Of Love

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Maryanne explained to her friends that she wouldn't make it to Barbados until the next morning, due to the misfortune of missing her connecting flight. Had she known it was going to be cutting it so close, she would have cancelled her last two clients at the salon, but she really needed the money for her struggling business as well as for the trip.

She sighed and took the keycard from her pocket as she neared the room and was humming along to the next song when she entered and collapsed back onto the big bed on the far side of the room. It was luxurious enough as far as hotel rooms went. It wasn't like she spent any measurable amount of time in them to make any useful comparisons.

The song came to an end and the sound of running water could be heard. Maryanne sat up on the bed, listening closer. The hotel concierge had promised her that the rooms were all soundproof. There was no way she should be able to hear either neighbor in the shower.

She yanked her earbuds from her ears and stood from the bed while shock and dread raced through her. She looked around a bit closer and spotted an open suitcase on the couch by the door. What was going on? She couldn't have entered the wrong room by mistake. Her keycard had worked fine, and on the first try even. She picked up the handle to her luggage and began to tiptoe back toward the door.

The sound of the water shut off and the bathroom door swung open, seconds before she could make her escape. Maryanne was frozen, face to face with the most painfully gorgeous creature she had ever laid eyes on. His still wet, caramel mocha kissed skin looked so smooth, she was almost convinced she should be able to see her own reflection in it. His hair was still damp, in close cropped waves that circled his head. But it was those eyes.

Maryanne found herself drowning in those topaz pools, so richly golden, they might have been touched by King Midas himself.

Nicklaus was stunned still for a few beats. He didn't know whether he should strike out at the intruder or duck back into the bathroom and lock himself inside. "What are you doing?" he demanded.

"I...I'm sorry...I must have gotten the rooms mixed up...I." She stammered to explain.

"You stay right there." He wagged a long finger in her face, backing further into the room.

"The airport...I missed my flight..."

"Don't you move!" He picked up the phone next to the bed. "What did you take?" He demanded as he dialed.

"Nothing. If you'll just let me explain."

"Yes, a strange woman has broken into my room. I need security here, now!" He slammed the phone back down and stood between Maryanne and the door. "You are not going anywhere." He jammed his fists into narrow hips and glared at her.

Where could she possibly go? She was in a stranger city, all on her own.

He could have been a statue come to life standing there clad only in a towel. She tried not to think of that.

Nicklaus yanked the door open at the first knock.

The concierge rushed in. "My apologies, Mr. Landers, the airport only had the one room reserved and must have offered it to Miss Ross as well." He remained calm through the explanation.

"Get her another room. I will pay for it myself."

"I don't need you to pay for anything for me." Maryanne tried to cut in.

"I'm sorry, Sir. Being that it's the holiday, there is nothing else available anywhere." He nodded to them both. "You two try to have a better evening." The concierge backed out of the room and pulled the door closed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2018 ⏰

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