Where it all started

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I was sitting in my living room looking at my texts and all at once a FaceTime comes in from my BFF Brooklyn Casteel I click answer and say " Hey brooklyn," she replied "Nothin much, but i had a dream about meeting Sk3tch," and then i covered my mouth and dropped my phone. "Kaileigh? Dude.. are. You. Okay?!" I swiftly grabbed my phone off the floor and said "I had a dream just like that, but wanna-" as Brooklyn cut me off "TELL ME NOW KAILEIGH!" I leaned back kn my recliner and started out. " Well we were at school and the announcer came through saying 'Kids we have a special guest- well two and we are gonna pick 2 kids. The kids are...  Kaileigh Johnson and Brooklyn Casteel. If you would come down to the office and show them around' me and brooklyn bolted out of our classes, met up and ran to the office so fast that  we like were a blur." I stopped, and took a swig of coke "CONTINUE!!" Brooklyn yelled at me. I continued "Then we were up at the office and we met- THEM! Sk3th and BandiRue! My god it felt real, then we showed them arround School and then just well then we went outside. Because
the school day was basically over so Ethan and Elijah or BandiRue and Sk3tch we're both standing there with their hands behind their back me and you both looked. Suspiciously and then the held out a rose for both of us, and said. 'Wanna go to a dinner with us?' And then we did and then i woke up," i grabbed my coke  and took another drink of coke. "NOO

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2018 ⏰

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