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Genes POV

S : gene gene gene
G : (snaps back to reality) yeah babe
S : why have you been so distracted lately
G : I don't know

I'm gene and I live with my girlfriend Sasha. We live in the enchanted forest with all the other non human creature. Sasha is a witch with very strong Magic's. The thing is I don't even like Sasha I'm only here by force.

G : babe I'm going for a walk
S : okay

Zanas POV

A : Zana
Z : yeah aph
A : you okay
Z : yeah

Hey I'm zana I live in the enchanted forest with my best friend and brother. I'm an elemental fairy. I help to keep the forest in balance.

Z : hey aph imma go on a walk
A : okay be safe

No ones POV

Zane and gene are walking and not paying attention and they ram into each other. Gene being bigger stays standing while zana falls down.

G : Omni I am so sorry here let me help you
Z : no it's alright I wasn't looking where I was going
G : I'm gene by the way
Z : I'm zana
G : nice to meet you
Z : you too

Gene helps zana up off the ground

G : hey um as an apology you wanna go get some lunch my treat
Z : um sure let's go

They walk over to a restaurant and are seated.

G : so your a fairy that must be cool
Z : your a werewolf your bigger than most creatures in the forest fairies are small but have powerful Magic's werewolves are strong and big that's cool
G : oh my Irene that is adorable
Z : (blushes) w-what
G : your little speech was adorable
Z : um I-I
G : hey you okay you look like a tomato
Z : I'm fine

Gene grabs zanas hand

G : hey I'm sorry that I made fun of you
Z : it's okay really I'm used to it my brother does it all the time
G : your brother
Z : yeah I have an older brother he is a werewolf I got my dads side he was a diary my mom was a werewolf
G : so odd question do you have a boyfriend
Z : no why
G : man how you are hot
Z : um
G : it sucks really I have a girlfriend and I don't even love her
Z : then why are with her
G : my father wanted me to be with a witch so
Z : oh okay that's cool I guess I mean witches can come in handy
G : yeah I guess so
W : here you go I got your food right here enjoy your date guys
Z : but we aren't together

The waitress walks away and gene is just staring at zana

Z : why are you being creepy
G : what do you mean
Z : your staring at me
G : oh sorry

They finish eating and walk out of the resteraunt. Gene walks Zana to her house and goes to leave.

Z : wait

Zana runs up to gene and kisses him on the cheek

Z : thanks

Gene walks home and goes inside still looking like a tomato

S : where have you been
G : I was on a walk
S : okay

Zanas POV

Zana walks inside and is immediately greeted by aphmau examining him.

A : are you okay DIS HE HURT YOU
Z : who
A : that boy you were with
Z : no I'm fine
A : you know garroth will kill you if he knows your hanging out with boys
Z : we just bumped into each other and had lunch it's not a big deal
A : um sorry to shut you down but it is a big deal
Z : why
A : you know garroth doesn't like you being near boys
Z : yeah I know don't remind me
A : as long as you know
Z : okay imma go to bed

Okay so I know I haven't uploaded in a while but a new chapter of his maid will be posted tomorrow.

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