Day 36 - Meg Thomas

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Life's unpredictable. It's better to be safe than sorry. I know, so clichéd, isn't it? That saying used to just grind on me - 'Meg, be careful out there.'
'Mom, I'm going to a party, it won't kill me-'
'I know that, but it's better to be safe than sorry, right?'
Ugh. I used to wonder why my mom couldn't just give me an ounce of independence. I loved her - love her - more than words can say, but I was so... So ignorant, at the time. I took the safety and security that my mom offered me for granted.

Back then everything seemed pretty good. Sure, I was fussed over, but I had worked my way to the top from a not-all-that-great background. My dad was an asshat to say the least, but I did the best I could and got into a good college... Stayed at home accommodation, though, so I could stick close to mom. If only I could be with her now.

I've been counting the sunrises. Sounds crazy, right, when back then all I had to do was tap a button on my smartphone to find out the date? But, time seems to lose its meaning here. I'm keeping track by doing what I can with a pen that Dwight used to keep in his shirt pocket and an old, unhygienic bandage. Always counting. Always hoping that the next tally on the bandage will be the day I get to go home.

But every day's a new nightmare. A fresh wound. My mind's been slashed, opened, and it's been infected since I had to make that first tally.

Why won't they leave us alone?

What does it hold over them, the Entity?

It doesn't force their hand. What kind of sick, materialistic creature would take payment for this?

No, I don't know why they do it. But what I do know is that every day we're suffering, and we can't so much as make a mark on them.

I just want to go home.

- Meg Thomas

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