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HIYA GUYS! ITS TECH AGAIN! and im so happy to be active again on wattpad. Its been awhile...especially now that im writing another NAUGHTYCOLLEGE NOVEL!!
Oh boy, i could go on and on about how much fun im gonna have dramatizing these events in the next upcoming chapters. Its gonna be one hell of a titty fucking ride...and i wish i was joking (yeah theres alot of sex ;-;)
But how have you all been? Hopefully good. I've been fine, even though i've had alot happen to me in the few months, so i guess i have a little explaining to do, but that can all wait.
Now in case you were a prick and didn't read the books description, im gonna be petty and put it here!~~


Highschool. A collection of 4 of the most horrible, gross, and horny years of the average teenagers life. But, do you wanna know whats even more horrible, gross, and horny? College. Its like an adult form of highschool. Dorms, a larger campus, and even girls with bigger boobs, who just so happen to be legal this time around. All seems well at most locations...but none of them compare to that of NaughtyCollege. The highest grossing and longest standing college in the state of worldcraft. Unlike most colleges, things work alot differently...you have of course the growing hormones of drunk boys and the ego's of half naked cheerleaders, but its more like a...less college more highschool yet still college and not highschool like vibe, if that makes any sense.

Techno, one of the many freshmen arriving at the school this year, experiences these disasters beforehand. He's 18, goodlooking, childish, young, dumb, and still....a virgin. of course, your probably wondering, "who would still be a virgin in college?" well, tech doesnt get out much.

But seriously, this kid has no IDEA the mess, trouble, and unprotected intercourse he's gonna come across. It would be a long journey full of twists and turns, and he'll make an accompany alot of friends along the way! but you dont expect everything to be goody woody, do you? c'mon! its fucking college!! and after all

Nothing goes as planned in your 1st year.

So yeah, this thing is gonna be a pretty wild and hormone filled ride that i cant wait for you to read. Im like, clinching my sweaty butter finger as i type this! (Please do not quote on me on that omg)
On a serious note though, i do need to explain some stuff about the book before you jump in. But of fucking course, half of you aren't reading this because everybody seems to skip over the intro, so im gonna put my reasoning for rebooting the series and a few clues and tips on where the series is gonna go from here in the chapter after this. I really do feel like that information is important and i really want you guys to read it. So without further adoo, a duh, a deww, aduuu, ah do, a dude, ahhdood, ahhhh doooo, ok, fuck it! without further more talking, its time for trolling techno to commense into action! (And for those who read this, give yourself a cookie. Ty xo)
- Nick (techno)

Naughtycollege: 1st YearWhere stories live. Discover now