A Demon Obsessed Guy Who Thinks He's One, Sounds Like My Boyfriend [1]

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A Demon Obsessed Guy Who Thinks He's One, Sounds Like My Boyfriend [1]

Chapter 1:

"Sorry Amy not tonight I have a date," I told my best friend Amina over the phone as I painted my toenails, the phone between my shoulder and ears. I heard her sigh in disappointment and was immediately engulfed with guilt.

"I'm sorry," I tell her biting my lip nervously hoping she doesn't hate me. I hear her huff before saying "okay fine I forgive you." A smile's painted on my face as I quickly say bye and head on over to do my hair. Tonight, I have a date with my boyfriend. Yes people I said boyfriend....and a hot one at that.

Aaron Christopher.

He's 6'3 with gray eyes that could be taken for silver, beautiful soft brown hair, and a muscular physique (not too skinny and lanky or too ripped like the disgusting body builder muscles. Just perfect). He's everything I want aka my dream guy. He's nice, sweet, caring, yet he has this bad boy thing going on. But when it comes to me he's very careful as if not wanting to hurt me. He treats me like a princess and what girl doesn't want that.

We had another one of our dates tonight. His dates are very special. They're not the typical movie and dinner dates. He always has something special planned. That's what I love about dating him.

30 Minutes Later

I'm nervous. I'm currently dressed and ready to go but continue to pace around my living room nervous as hell. No matter how long we've been dating, which has been four months, I still get nervous every time we go on a date. Tonight's date is a mystery as to where we're going and what we're gonna do but he told me not to dress up to fancy just some casual clothes. I decided to wear some jeggings, a plain white v-neck t-shirt with a few long chain necklaces and an awesome gummy bear bracelet. I had my wonderful Old Navy flip flops on and my cellphone and I'm ready to go. The thing about me is I hate carrying purses which is why I don't. I only need to have my cellphone but I still have about 40 bucks stashed into my super tight pockets.

I continue pacing the living room nervously biting on my nails until I hear the doorbell ring. My heart speeds up at the thought of seeing him finally and hugging him. I practically skipped to the front door and opened the door to be met by the sight of my wonderful grinning boyfriend.

He was dressed in some jeans, a white t-shirt just like mine (awe, we match) and had on a pair of flip flops to. In his hand he had a bouquet of roses. I immediately awed at him as he blushed slightly before handing the flowers over to me. I smelled them and they smelled delightful. I carefully placed them on the side table before practically tackling him in a hug. He laughs out loud. Oh my gosh, I love his laugh.

"I missed you too," he says patting my bag and forming a circle around my waist with his hands. I breathed in the smell of him. He smelled of warm cinnamon with a hint of rain-kissed leaves. He smells really good too. I pulled back slightly and he captured my lips onto his. We kissed for a minute before pulling apart. I softly kissed his cheek.

"Ready for our awesome date," he said taking my hand as he led me down the driveway to his car. Now I love his car. It's not to show offy or anything. It's actually a Maroon 2001 Ford Truck. It's comfy and smells just like him. His car is always neat just like him. Unlike other boys his age, he's very neat and hates it when somethings out of place unlike me. I'm not to on the clean side. I'm not saying I'm not sanitary. I'm just not the type of person to have a special day set up for cleaning my room and doing laundry and such. He does that but he's not a nerd, that's for sure.

"Where are we going," I asked him once we were on the road.

"Somewhere," he says taking my hand in his. Whenever we're in the same car and he's driving he always controls the steering wheel with his left hand while holding my hand in his right. It's very sweet and romantic. I ponder over where we're going when suddenly he slows down at a traffic light before turning left. I look out of window to see where we could have come for our date. But all I see is a John Deere Store and Rockford's Paintball Fighting. My eyebrows scrunch up as he parks. I'm wondering where the hell we're going when it hits me. We're going to Rockford's for a paintball fight. I turn to him and he's looking at me expectantly when I tackle him into a hug.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you," I scream in his ear. He laughs and just hugs me back before pulling me out of the door. Ever since I was a little kid I've always wanted to have a paintball fight. Now my dream's about to come true. See what I meant about his dates being special and unique!?

As we enter the building, I'm jumping up and down with excitement. Aaron walks up to a counter with a tattooed guy sitting behind the counter reading a car magazine. He looks up immediately when he hears the doorbell jingle.

"Aaron my man," he says standing up shaking Aaron's hand.

"How you been," he asks.

"Nice to see you Alex, I've been good but I'm out on a date with my girl. Got a room for us," Aaron asks. My eyes widen as he says that. The last part sounded so wrong. 'Alex' chuckles at my expression and gestures for us to walk. We walk down a wide hallway with see through glass wall. You could see people geared up with paintball guns and all these paint splatters. It looks pretty cool.

"Here you go guys," Alex says opening up a room. He leads us inside where we put on these black vest things so we don't get hurt and he hands us each a silver gun loaded with paintballs. He tells us how to load more in and the rules and blah, blah, blah. Mostly, I'm just staring at Aaron.

"Alright later guys," he says finally walking out.

"Finally," I say. I don't hear anything so I turn around only to be hit in the chest by a paintball. I look up at Aaron, my eyes glaring at him.

"It's on," and the war began.

3 Hours Later

"That was so much fun," I exclaimed.

"It sure was," Aaron says. Both of our t-shirts were splattered with paint but it only made it look cooler. He drives us to Dairy Queen.

"Ice cream seriously?" I ask him as we park.

"Yeah," he says.

"Alright than," I tell him.

Once we're seated with our ice cream, Aaron starts to fidget. I may have not noticed it before but he's been fidgeting a lot lately and he's very nervous looking. I look up at him eyebrow raised.

"What's wrong," I ask him.

"Nothing," he says continuing to eat. I scoff. That was quite obviously a lie.

"Seriously what's wrong," I ask again.

"Nothing," he exclaims loudly causing a few workers to look our way. He wards them off with his eyes before looking back down at his ice cream.

"Cut the bullcrap tell me what's wrong," I tell him. Hey I don't like being a bitch but he's all sulky now so I know something's wrong. I was expecting him to yell at me when he starts to talk suddenly.

"Let's say I'm not human," he begins. I nod vary now as I listen.

"Let's say I'm a demon," he says. I nod my head once again not knowing where this is going.

"What would you think if I told you that," he asks me looking into my eyes. I ponder over this.

"Well I'd be sorta freaked out," I tell him. I watch his face fall and he looks so crestfallen that I reach over to touch his shoulder when his head snaps up.

"You'd be freaked out," he says his voice menacing. I immediately lean back into my chair as I watch his posture go rigid.

"Yeah," I whisper.

"Well let's see you freak out....because I'm not human."

That's all it took for me to faint.

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