based on 1990's not 2017's and your looks and part 1

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Name:Y/N L/N

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Name:Y/N L/N


Y/N's PoV:

I looked down at the coffin with my sisters headless body inside,So I walked away into the forest with tears

Y/N:(Whisper)I will find the one who killed you Jess,And I'll make them go through the same pain you went,even if that means Dying,I'll do it for you

A few months Later....

Edeline PoV:

I looked down at the small Thing me and Rachel built when Henrica and his gang were chasing the new girl Bennet

Henrica:You aren't getting away Fatso

Edelyn:Just stop Henrica

Henrica:Or what Wheezy

Henrica pushed me down and looked down at the little....Something,Before They started destroying it


We looked at the person Who said that and saw Y/N standing there

Henrica:Well well,If it ain't My Boyfriend Y/N,what are you doing here

Y/N:I'm am not your boyfriend,and I never Will

Henrica:Well then,You asked for it

Henrica walked up to Y/N before kneeing his stomach


Y/N's PoV:

I fell down to the floor and clenched my stomach

Henrica:Say that again and I'll make sure you won't see another day,GOT IT



She let go of me before they walked away

Edelyn:Thanks Y/N,That was brave *wheeze

Y/N:No-No problem *cough* So what are y'all doing here any way???

Rachel:We are making this club but we don't have any members,Soooo,wanna join

Y/N:It's better than being dragged around by Henrica,So yeah

Rachel:Wait,Y/N do you have anything that you can use for an inhaler

Y/N:Yeah,It looks like Evelyn needs It,I'll be right back

Timeskip to when he comes back brought to you by......Bowers gang getting rocks thrown at them

Edelyn's PoV:

I grabbed the small canister before putting it on my inhaler and started to inhale

Edelyn:Thanks Y/N

Y/N:Don't mention it

Rachel:Wait Bennett,wanna join our club


Y/N:We only need more people and this is considered a club

To be continued.....

You will float too


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