part one: the rally

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"dude, this thing is way to fucking long on me and its not acceptable." rich glared at his reflection in the mirror, his graduation gown reaching far below his legs. "no, babe, the dress isn't long, your just short." jake reminded him, tucking his phone in his coat pocket and winking at himself. rich scoffed at him and punched him on his chest, as high as he could go. "my stubby little babe!" jake cooed, reaching his hand down to pat rich's head. "i'm not stubby." rich pouted, crossing his arms. jake frowned. "i'm sorry. can i get a kiss?" rich gave him an eyebrow raise and a head shake to indicate, "no you asshole". jake just laughed and picked up rich, showering him in kisses. rich giggled, a sound that he never thought would come out of him, and wrapped him arms around his boyfriend's neck, kissing him fully on the lips.


chloe zipped up the back of brooke's red dress, smiling at her girlfriend's reflection. brooke beamed and turned around to kiss her. "you look so beautiful, baby." chloe gushed, tears filling up her eyes. she had, had to fix her make up about three times already due to how much she had been crying. "berry, don't cry! stop it! you're gonna make me cry!" brooke laughed, but she remained reluctant to let her tears fall. "your telling me not to cry while literally looking like your about to cry? wow, your real smart, babe." brooke let out an exasperated sigh and just picked up her girlfriend, kissing her, eventually leading into a full on make out.

couple goals, as jenna would put it.


jeremy was having a panic attack. like a literal panic attack. he wasn't even the one pep-talking the soon-to-be college students, his step brother evan was, but he was still dying because he had to go and get his diploma up on stage.

jeremy sat beside michael and jake, his hands gripping michael's as evan walked up on stage. the gym was dead quiet, the only sound being evan adjusting the microphone and clearing his throat.

"u-uh, hello westerburg highschool!" evan stuttered, smiling as the crowd before him went wild and exploded in cheers. "aha, yeah. whoo!" chloe giggled at evan's cute little 'whoo', smiling at him to continue.

"so, as you know, today is our last day here. i've come so far, we've all come so far. from being small freshman who got their asses handed to them if they even thought about anyone in a higher grade then them," the audience laughed at that, "to boring sophomores, weed addicts for juniors, and the 'we probably only ever went to our classes once' seniors. and before i get on with anything, i'd like to thank all of our teachers. not our freshman teachers, because you guys were mean as hell, but to teachers like mrs. hamilton and ms. peters. i guess i took some things for granted here."

evan took a deep breath before continuing.

"as everyone here knows, my boyfriend, connor murphy, was in the hospital for the past year because of drugs and other things. habits die hard, and it pained me to see the person i loved more than anything lay in a hospital bed, pale faced and just barely a heart rate. i'd like to thank my mother, and my step father, and of course, i could never forget, my step brother, jeremy heere. he was there through thick and thin, along with everyone else in that little group of craziness." jeremy's eyes filled with tears and the people around them cheered.

"michael, thank you for driving me three hours away from home so i could pick up connor from where he was. chloe and brooke, thank you for helping me come out without feeling alone or scared. jake and rich, thank you for not letting anyone kick my ass whenever they felt like it."

evan's eyes meet with connor's.

"and you, god, you. where the hell would i be without you? who the hell would i be without you? i love you so much, i can't imagine life without you not being here with me. oh- um- can you come up on stage?" connor shook his head at his boyfriend and smiled, getting up from his seat next to michael and walking up on stage.

connor grabbed evan by the waist and held his cheek in his hand, kissing him happily, which lead both boys too smile so wide they had to pull apart. the whole gym was clapping and hollering loudly as the boys stared lovingly into each other's eyes. evan blushed and fumbled with the pocket of his graduation gown, everyone gasping as evan pulled out a small, black box. he got down on one knee and began talking;

"so, this may be really soon and a lot of things are happening right now, i know that. i won't propose, yet, but i did want to get you something to remind you of my love." evan opened the box.

inside was a blue rhinestone rock etched into a golden rind with tiny leaves around it. engraved in the rhinestone were the initials, 'c.e'. connor, tears running down his face, had one hand covering his mouth with the other holding evan's.

"it's a promise ring. i love you, so, so much. please don't ever forget that, my love." connor laughed and nodded, but then said, "wait, get up." evan's eyes went wide. was connor saying no now? connor just sighed and picked him up, getting down on his knees now, taking a red box out of his pocket now.

"i wanted to give this to you before anything, but you beat me to it." connor opened the box.

inside was a clear crystal, but inside of the crystal was a small piece of a leaf. it took evan a moment to realize it was from that day they went to explore the trees and evan had saw a leaf he loved so much, but the wind ended up blowing it away. he cried for about two hours.

"one day, i'm gonna marry you, okay? and i'm proposing, so don't even try it." evan nodded with tears streaming down his red cheeks, watching as connor slipped the ring on evan's ring finger. evan did the same for connor.

with everyone cheering, a standing ovation for them, they locked lips and in came their new life.

"i love you."

a/n: ah! i did it! this is only part one, i'm not sure how many parts their will be. i hope you enjoyed this :) be sure to check out mushie r. on youtube, the person who inspired this from the beginning. part two will be up at some point. have a great day, everyone.

this chapter was really short, only because of the time limit right now. i'll probably go back and right more but not right now.

other chapters will be 3,000+ words, so have fun with it :)

love you! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2018 ⏰

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