1* Are You Ready

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Chapter 1

It was very early in the morning, still dark, she woke up feeling very excited now sitting by the side of her bed, practically didn't sleep during the night as the thought if it being a dream kept rummaging through her head. During the daydream that lasted for some minutes, she winced after pinching herself, at that moment she knew it was too real, why ; her chocolate colored skin turned red. After the realization, she got up and stretched her slender body ; but referred to it as 'thick', sat on the floor to do some sit ups and Jack ups to remove her forever hated love handles. During her early morning workout ; she remembered her friend words when she would talk about exercising, "gosh I hate hearing you whine about how u are fat you are", "Exercising ? Again ? Lord where was I when you were given great bodies like hers, for she is so ungrateful, she doesn't deserve it, bless me ! Bless me". She thought she was so dramatic when she talks about it after all she needs to loose weight. Other events that led to more talking came to her mind ; during rehearsals for a choreography in sch......
Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard the door of her room creak slightly, followed by a something she always heard everyday ; not exaggerating.
'Chi....." a feminine voice whispered followed by quiet footsteps and 'click'on of the light bulb, then brightness of the room, which caused her to shut her eyes immediately before opening it up again allowing it to adjust to the new environment. As she opened her eyes it revealed a middle aged woman, about 5'7 in height,dressed in a black t-shirt and ash colored loose trousers, her hair packed up in a cream color net, but what she could not miss was the large grin on her face that instantly turned into a smile revealing her slightly cracked teeth (incisor)' which was hardly seen by people but never missed by her. The story that caused d incident was just a funny one, too funny to think about.
"Wow, here's some one that is more excited than I am" she thought, siting up but still on the floor, resting her back on the side of8 the bed. Her mum came close to her bed side, " Are you ready ? " she said still whispering and smiling. Chi couldn't get over how her mum was behaving, she just busted out laughing lowly, but loud enough for her to hear the humor in it and it wasn't too long that she started her own fist of silent laughter, and threw herself on the bed facing up. Just after that her mum sat up, " did u really" sleep because let me confess, I actually didnt" she said. Chi just shook her head really trying to stop herself from laughing again.
"Don't mind me, I am too happy today" she said again.
"Mummy, when I get ready to leave..... I think I chose the wrong one, I mean... I can't imagine what you would do when I am about to get married, mum please promise me you won't embarrass me on one of d most important days of my life... Ugh ! "
What if she wants to ride in the car home with my husband and I, or start begging me not to say the word that seals the union.... Oh no, not the I DO" she thought.
"Mum it's just college for crying out loud" she continued saying, though at the back of her mind she knows why she is this happy but won't acknowledge it.
"Don't be like that now, can you blame me...." still smiling she got up from the bed and headed to the door, opening it gently, "...... and dont miss me too much, I am just few metres away, I know you can't do without this face" she said gesturing to her face and closing the door after stepping out of the room.
"I won't miss you" she shouted. Slapping her hand over her mouth, she realized that it's not bright yet and the rest of the family was still sleeping, just then her mum reopened the door and looked at her saying " I won't be close by when these chickens will come out asking why you deprived them of their sweet sleep, it's Saturday remember". Putting emphasis on the sweet word before closing the door.
Remembering her siblings she got into another round of thoughts involving the three little chicken like her mum will call them and a big one, referring to her dad. When she would always hear them whine about more sleep whenever she would wake them up and how it's just one day of rest after the other six days, considering they are actually an extra ordinary family that gets up almost the same time as on a weekday to meet the first part of the service. Things her younger sister would say, not say but whine, "can't one ask for peace and quiet and get it, hmm, I could have come first and made sure I torture you, ohhhhh Lord, may be in my next life it would happen "
Or her brother, with his masculine voice which will always make her laugh "I sometimes think I hate this family, but I can't, can I ? No I can't, why ?, because they would say I am not normal.
Her younger sister, was one that always blew her mind cause she just says all sort but no one listens all one hears is her call for food at all times.
Chi thought the reliving of memories for one day was too much and got up but couldn't get over the fact that this is the last bonding she would have with her mum in a while and she would really miss her even if she didnt say it out loud.
With that thought she went into bathroom to take a shower.

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