Petra x Tree

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Petra's POV

It's not alright, it's not alright...

The female titan chases after me, after biting in half my comrade Eld and killing my other comrade Oluo...

I think I have no chance of getting out of this situation, I'm feeling so helpless...

Suddenly here it is, I don't know this feeling, it's like at the moment I see it, everything changes. All of a sudden it's not gravity holding me to the planet, it's it, nothing else matters. I would do anything to go and be able to touch it.

That tree...

Everything around me slows down, spinning lightly around the gorgeous tree, as if it's the center of the world.

I almost don't feel the titan's foot stomping on me, sending me flying against the tree, because I'm too happy I can finally reach it.

I don't even feel my spine cracking, turning my back into a non natural position, I don't feel my body crash onto the wood, because the wood owner is non other than the tree.

I let out a sigh, finally the titan let me be and goes chasing the boy I was supposed to protect, but who cares at this point, when I found the love of my life.

I can feel its body presses against mine, and it's the best sensation ever, it's all I need. I raise my head up and gaze at the leaves upon me.

Oh tree, do you feel the way I do?

Petra x Tree Where stories live. Discover now