Woe Or Wow

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Life is a woe.From the moment you're born till the moment you die,it is filled with grief,miseries and sorrows.When you come to this world,the first thing that you do is cry.You cannot get used to the idea of living in a world which is cold,harsh and cruel.A few years later,when you finally get a hang of everything,your mother puts you in a school.SCHOOL...the word itself is terrifying.A place where you're forced to sit with other kids and listen to the teacher.You're on your own there.No body understands you there.By the time you get used to the idea of school,it ends.You're asked to choose a profession or rather it is forced upon you.You go to college even though all you want to do is snuggle in your bed.You graduate and are asked to get a job.Your job is frustrating.It's like hell.All your boss does is scold you.Its time to get married.Your parents find "The one" for you who doesnot prove to be very perfect.You become a parent.You have a family now..meaning more responsibility.Your kid goes to school,college and gets married.You're retired now.It is time.You are lying in a bed.The clock struck 12.You close your eyes with a thought"Ah what a life."

Life is beautiful.From the moment you're born till the moment you close your eyes,it is filled with joys and happiness.When you come to this world,your parents cries with joy.They're so happy to have you.Your mother takes care of you.She helps you get used to this world by sacrificing her sleep.To make you a better person she puts you in a school,a place full of kids your age.You talk to other kids and find out that they're just like you.You make friends.Friends are like a second family.You graduate from school.Your parents are proud of you.You choose a profession and start college,Where you make more friends.You get a degree and start a job.Your colleagues are really nice people.You get a handsome pay.Life is good.You get married to the one who is perfect in an unique way.You become a parent.You have a family of your own now.Your kid starts school,you remember your first day.Your kid goes to college,gets a job and gets married.Time is moving fast but you try to enjoy each and every moment.You get retirement.It is time.You're lying in the bed with your family around you.The clock struck 12.You close your eyes with a thought"Wow what a Life."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2018 ⏰

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