The Love I Can't Have (A Roc Royal Love Story)

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Kayla's P.O.V 

We dance to our favorite routine "I Love You" by Chris Brown but this time something was different it.... it was flawless, I mean PERFECT. On our final spin to the dance we were literally inches away from each other's eyes. I brung my eye's slowly down to his pink beautiful plump lips wanting to kiss them so badly. We both started leaning in towards each other then suddenly he pulled away "KAYLA" He started screaming "WHAT! WHAT!"  I was responding then out of no where aton of water splashes on me then I realized it wasn't a dream..."AHHH!" I scream quickly sitting up to see my mom"Aye I been calling yo black ass for bout.... 5 minutes girl, you got to get ready for school" My mom yelled" Damn ma! ok i'm going" I get up rushing to the bathroom                                                                                                45 minutes laterI was up and out the house on my way to school dressed  in this>A fashion look from December 2013 featuring Zara blouses, Topshop t-shirts and adidas Originals shoes. Browse and shop related looks..I looked at my phone it was 7:30 I live 10 blocks away from my school  ( talk about bullshit) I literally am late for school everyday because Mr.Adams fat ass always closing the door early. As I sped walk down the street getting closer and closer to my school out of no where I bumped into someone causing me to fall and them to fall on top of me. I groaned opening my eyes only to be face to face with the love of my life Chresanto August god he is so gorgeous"I'm sorry I wasn't looking" I say kinda laughing"Oh no it wasn't your fault it was me I-im sorry""No offense but your really heavy can you please get up" I say"Oh ha sorry" he said getting up then helping me"HEY!!!!!! your that girl from my dance class that always stares at me right"Damn that's embarrassing"Uh y-yeah my names Kayla" I shake his hand looking down I can't seem to look at him without blushing the things a boy can do to a girl"Oh well Kayl-""Oh hell to the naw Chresanto wat you doin talking to this chick"  His rachet ass girlfriend came from no where I swear I don't know what he see's in her she look like a freaking monster I mean would you date a girl who look like  And  her breath smell like like ass and garbage damn Listerine couldn't even fix that garbage breath of her's even her name rachet"Tyequeshia calm down she go to my dance school and we bumped into eachother and we were just having a little conversation" Roc said kinda making a stank face at her"OH well now give me some sugar" she said puckering her lips"UMMM.. maybe later" Chres said backing awayHE STARIGHT DISSED HERI was trying my best not to laugh"Aww baby playing hard to get now umm hmm ima get your ass come here" She said then Chres started hauling ass and she chased him"Bye Kayla" H yelled running down the street"Bye" I yelled back  I took out my phone and saw the time 7:52 shit im late for school now I have to run to school...How was my first chappie... A little rough right but hey im just started out so... TAKE IT EASY!!!!!!! lol im just playing comment, like, do whatever you want 

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2014 ⏰

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