Mail Me Your Heart

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It was just a regular, nice day for Lance, still early in the school year during his final year at the high school branch of Altea Education. He had a morning of class, spent lunch in the cafeteria with Pidge and Hunk, then had afternoon classes.

That was when it all came to an end.

It was his last period of the day: History. The teacher did a pop quiz to test what they still remembered from the previous year and graded them while the class did some silent reading afterwards.

So far, so good.

Lance didn't mind pop quizzes at all. He also didn't mind silent reading. In fact, it was an excellent opportunity to keep stealing glances to his left which was where Keith was seated (not that he wasn't doing that in each class every day, anyway). Keith, who just so happened to be his crush since their first year. It just sucked that Keith never seemed to notice him.

Well, they had some interactions, considering they were basically sharing a desk. Sometimes, they even had to do group work when they were paired up by seats. But that was it. Their fourth year of being in the same class, sitting next to each other, and Lance had never gotten anywhere with his crush.

He was just too shy to try and talk to Keith outside of class, which sucked because there were so many endless opportunities, living and studying in the same space. But Keith was the hard-to-approach type; branded as both emo and a delinquent at the same time, he didn't have any known friends among students. No matter how hard Lance tried to get over himself, he couldn't approach Keith, maybe because he was also scared of rejection. In the end, the only thing he was able to do was to compete for test scores and grades.

...Which brings us back to the cause of the bad turn for the day.

Right when the bell rang, their teacher passed back the quizzes. Lance was relieved to see he scored an A, but when he glanced over at Keith's sheet, he saw that Keith had just one point more than him. Again. He caught Keith glancing at his result too, and their eyes met for a moment. Keith merely shrugged and slipped his own test paper into his folder, then moved to pack his backpack and grab his leather jacket from the back of his chair.

Lance packed his own bag in a hurry, though he didn't know why; it was evident that there would be no chatting with Keith. But he didn't want to be left behind. He slipped his bag over his shoulder as he walked, adjusting his jacket, and left the room right behind Keith. The whole way until leaving the building, he walked right behind Keith. Once they were out in the courtyard, he watched as Keith left to the direction of the gyms, staring after him with a kind of frustrated longing in his eyes.

He didn't feel like having dinner yet, so Lance left for the dormitories instead of the dining hall. He was glad their school was large enough to offer single rooms with a bathroom for each student because right now, he didn't want to deal with anyone.

After unlocking his room, he took off his shoes and put his bag down next to his desk, then grabbed his laptop and walked over to his bed. He needed to unwind and cheer up first. Once he got comfortable and snugly with everything up and running, Lance opened the browser to a certain site already opened in a tab. Since summer, it had become a permanent tab, and he was there every day for most of the time he spent online. 'It' being a forum specifically for his favorite Netflix show, Legendary Defenders of the Galaxy.

He had found it while searching for a place where he could connect with other people after binge-watching the entire first season during summer break after its release. It was already awesome that there was a whole place for that. As a bonus, he loved that it was built to be in style like an old-school forum, which was a nice change from the usual social media he frequented all the time. (He still did, of course; Lance just loved sharing all kinds of things about his life as well as sharing pictures of himself and the things he created.)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2019 ⏰

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