The Hogwarts Secret

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My name is Amethyst, i hate my name, although many people seem to like it. I'm a 15 year old girl, not a boy, a girl. Anyways, i have blue eyes and brown hair, i hate my family more than my name, they treat everyone horrible like they're their slave. It disgusts me to see them treat people like that. They keep me in the basement because they are afraid that i will embarrass them.

I've always wondered why they keep me in the basement, when i ask my mum why they keep me down there, she says this;

"Stop being an annoying brat and help me clean the house, Amethyst!"

She's always like that when i ask her that, same thing with my dad. It's likely that they are hiding something from me but i do not know what they are hiding, although i want to know. I've spent all Saturday searching through their drawers.

I found nothing but a letter......a letter that was addressed to me.....

To: Amethyst Taylor

From: Hogwarts; School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Hogwarts? Never heard of that place, i also almost NEVER get letters. I kept looking through the drawers and found another letter, also from Hogwarts. Another letter. Another one. Another. I kept finding letter after letter until the room was piled with letters from Hogwarts.

My mum walked in just when i was about to open a letter. She snatched it away from me, "You are grounded! You are not coming out from that basement of yours for a whole month!" A month? A MONTH?! The Hogwarts semester starts in a month! I absolutely can NOT miss the first day of Hogwarts!

None the less, i sighed and went to my basement, aka my room. I'm going to get out of here no matter what. I'll put a plan together tomorrow to escape, but for now, I'm going to sleep.

The Hogwarts Secret {Harry Potter/Fred Weasley}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora