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His eyes weren't what caught her attention, his hair wasn't the reason she was staring. It was his grin, the fact he was grinning while holding the life of man in his hands. That, that's what caught her attention.

"You ok there love?"

He smiled.

"Why are you still here?"

He frowned.

"It's a little late, get out of town kid."

He turned his attention elsewhere.

All she did in that moment of time was breathe, she sighed and shook her head.

"I'm not a kid."

She stepped forward.

"It's not late."

The bells rung.

"And I'm not the one who should be asked if they're fine."

She half smiled.

The man in the air was dropped instantly and his gasps of breath were echoing in the empty town.

"I like you."

He smiled.

"I don't trust you."

She frowned.

Shots fired from a distance and the man before her fell to his knees, clutching his shoulder with his hand.

"What's your name kid?"

He groaned.


She turned away.

Police men grabbed the girl and told her to stay away from the man on his knees, holding his bleeding shoulder.

"Your full name."

He shouted.

"Beth Pete Maws."

She smiled.

It seemed like it had ended, but it had just started.

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