so | prologue

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and there she was.

where she appeared every tuesday at 3pm exactly. to have afternoon tea. which was usually a white chocolate mocha. with an oreo cheesecake. she'd finish it in exactly 30 minutes, leaving at exactly 3.30pm. perfect.

of course, hermione granger wouldn't know that unless she'd observed the girl every single day.

she'd been working at the local starbucks café for over a year now, yet it's only this customer she's knows is a regular ( and who's name is the only one she can remember ).

pansy. who constantly asks the barista to write her name on the cup as 'pans'.

"you're making goo-goo eyes again, 'mione," ronald weasley, hermione's ex, called from inside the pantry.

a little bit about hermione's love life.

she'd been super confused about the gender or kind of people she liked since sixteen, which was when she and ron met. before that, she'd had crushes on many different boys and girls, and once had a crush on her best friend, luna lovegood, who was now dating ron's sister, but that's another story.
then, she dated ron for a while (four years actually), but that relationship got absolutely nowhere.
that when hermione realised she was neither a lesbian nor a bisexual, but a pansexual. she loved whoever she felt attracted to.

like this girl here, pansy.

what a curious name.

pansy was the name of a flower, that seemed so delicate and fragile. yet, this girl was tough and firm, which contradicted her name a lot. hermione had seen her slam her phone down when got pissed at a text, and throw her empty cup across the café, having it land perfectly in the trash bin. yep, tough and firm was adequate enough to describe this girl.

hermione wanted to meet her.
she'd seen this girl come in every working day afternoon for three months now, and she still hadn't plucked up the courage to ask her for her number, let alone on a date.

but here was the thing. the girl noticed hermione staring many times too. and that seemed to be neither a blessing nor a curse. this girl didn't seem to want to make a move, and continued sitting there the full thirty minutes, glancing up at hermione every few minutes to see if she was still gazing longingly at her. she did seem to want to tell hermione to back off either, and that made things kind of awkward and confusing for hermione. especially since she'd broken up with ron when he realised they weren't meant for each other. the daily exchange of looks was almost vile.

hermione saw the girl looking at her again. she was half-smiling, half-smirking this time. hermione felt her heart leap out. just when she thought she was ready to walk up and say hi, 'pansy' got up and waved a little, before smiling bitter-sweetly and walking coolly out of the café. hermione didn't know whether to cry or to sink down to the floor and hug her knees and rock back and forth and scream.

"pst, 'mione!"

hermione turned to face ron, who gestured desperately to the counter, trying to balance the blender and three bags of coffee beans in one hand and a plate of croissants in the other.

a queue awaited.

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