Chapter 1: The Move

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        "Uh, it's finally time, I can't wait so I can lay down and take a nap, gosh," Pelania Adams complains. "Yeah yeah I am too, but you don't have to keep saying it over and over again," Dad, Mr. Adams says. "Yes, but until we get settled we have to get the stuff into the car," Mom, Mrs. Adams says. So they start to move some of the boxes in the car, "Chris, can you put this box in the trunk?," mom says. "Yes, ma'am I can I guess, I am the strongest MAN here." "Oh, hush, I'm the king, and you know it," dad says.

          After hours of moving things, Mrs. Adams has to go to the owner, to turn over the lease. She walks into the big, wonderful, house with the nice new house smell in it. "Hi, ma'am are you Mrs. Christina Adams, that is here to sign this wonderful lease for this house," the salesman says. "Hi, yes my name is Mrs. Adams, this is my daughter Pelania Adams, she is my oldest 17 years old, this is my son, Christopher Adams, 15 years old, and my youngest Melania Adams, 14 years old." "Well hi, young ones, you will surely love this big wonderful house." As everyone says hi, they all look at one another, and then looks around the house as they stand there. "Okay, all you need to do is sign the lease," Mr. Flupp, the salesman said. "Okay, well here is the signature of meee," mom says as she picks up the pen and signs the paper. She signs the paper, and now it is there's! "Alright you guys, it's ours," mom says. "Thank you for buying this house, OMG," The salesman says greatfully. "What do you mean," mom says. "Nothing, the faster I get out THIS house, the greater you can move in ,goodbye," the salesman says, as he rushes out the door and into his car. "Did you guys notice that his whole attitude toward this house changed, why did he just act like that?," Melania says. "I don't care about what he says, I am going to choose the biggest room, I call shot gun," Christopher says. They all run upstairs to see who gets what room, as there mom start to laugh.

          The next morning..... "Ding, ding, ding," the alarm clock rings. "Ding, ding, antt." Wake up honey, you have to start getting ready for work," mom says to dad as she kisses him on the cheek. "Thanks, hun, I don't know how I could ever do it without you," dad says to mom. "Doom, doom, doom," they hear something suspicious in the attic. "What is that," mom asks dad. "I think it's footsteps, sounds like it, I'm going to go check it out right quick, how about you go wake the kids up now, you know that there going to take hours to get ready, oh and there bus number is 51, it has it on the school paper," dad says. "Okay, honey good luck," she says. "Luck is for suckers, I don't need it," he says smiling.

          "Get up you guys, you have school now, haha," Mrs. Adams says happily. "Uh, why, and what school, how did we get a school already!," Pelania says as she puts the covers over face. "You got into Palm Springs, which is a smart school because its name is, Palm Springs Academy of Health Sciences and Technology High School, sounds like a fancy school cause the name is long, but GET UP." Pelania was just starting 12th grade, so she was getting into the mood of not getting up in the morning, Christopher was just starting 10th grade, and he already new some people that went to Palm Springs High, and Melania the baby was just starting high school, so she didn't know anything about getting up at 5:00 a.m. to start the day.

          In the attic, David, the dad, is having trouble. He is trying to find the thing that made the noise, but there was absolutely nothing at all up there. "So did you find something hun?," mom says. "No, absolutely nothing, but let's not put our mine on that, it's the first day, of a new beginning," he says. "I know honey , but the kids, oh the kids." "I know, but they have to just adjust to the new living style in a new way, in a new home, in a new beginning," dad says. "Wow, that was really sweet," she says. "Oh I know, I just said something, well it just came out, haha, but it's okay I love you and this is the dream, that WE always wanted, together at last, kids, a house, what else can be better than this." "Nothing, I love you," she says.

          At school... Chris meets up with his friends that he knew from his old school Jordan High School, "what's up you guys," Christopher says. "Hey man, what's your first class," a friend named Jason says. "It's I think science, then gym," he says. "Okay, cool I have Science to man, we all do." "Yeah we do to," his other friends say, Kalup and Shane. "Ding" the bell rings, and everyone runs to class like flying birds on a hunt for fish.

          "Welcome to Math 1, I am your teacher Ms. Hudson and I am very nice, when I want to be!," she says as she looks at Melania. Today Melania was really happy to attend high school for the first day, but everything was about to change with one quick...

          "Psss," someone said behind her as Ms. Hudson was turning on the smart board to start a fresh new lesson. "Psss," she hears again. "What," she says. "Hey, my name is Carly Mae, but just call be Mae, I just wanted to introduce myself and welcome you to our school, I hear you just started attending here," Mae says. "Yes, but isn't this your first year too?," Melania says. "Yeah, but my older sister, Carmen, goes her she is in 10th grade and, she's 15 years old." "My brother, Christopher, and my sister, Pelania, go here, but this is our first year at this school, my sister is in 12th grade and my brother is in 10th grade as well." "Well maybe my sister, and your brother are going to see each other in 10th grade haha," Carly says, "but I now where leave." "You do, how," Melania says scaredly. "I saw you get on the bus, silly what did you think," Carly says smiling, which leaves an everlasting thought in Melania's head.

                                              3 hours later, still at school...

          "Welcome to PS, is it your first time here?," someone says behind Pelania in the lunch line, with a very dark and scratchy voice. "Yes," she says scardley. "Well, my name is Carter, Carter Hall, and not like the hall of carter, haha, well what's your name Ms?," he asks, "my name is....." she says as she gets interrupted by here brother and his friends. "Hey, what's up Pee," Christopher says. "Shut up, and thank you," she says as she runs to grab her lunch, and sit down at the table. "Hey, my name is..." Pelania says but gets interrupted. "Yeah Yeah Yeah we know your the new Pela girl," a boy says with a soft, but dark voice. "It's not Pela, it's Pelania, you foolish little child." "Well nice to haha, see you, my name is Chris Pine, I am the quarterback for the football team here, and I am the star on the basketball team," he says. "What is star," she asks, "it means I am the star player, the best, well the captain of the team," he says, having the 'trying to give a point' face. "Well is there a cheerleading team here. "Yeah, they have extra spots, round 2 tryouts are tomorrow," he says smiling. "Thanks so much for your help."

                                         CHEERLEADING TRYOUTS 3:30 P.M.

          "My name is Ms. Kulp, but Coach Kulp to you, oh and Welcome Welcome, and goodbye, that's what I will be saying to you either in the next 20-30 minutes our right now, so bye the looks of i, I can already see who will not be in the Yellow Squad at PSH. But let's get started when I call your name come and do, back handspring, back handspring, toe touch, toe touch, and a tuck." Everyone stares at each other and sitting one beside the other like there at a duck duck goose contest. "First up, to get the burn is...............10 people later........ a girl named Desiree M," let's go chop chop," Coach Kulp says. Desiree does the routine perfectly. "Next up, Pelania," she says. Pelania messes up on one of the back handsprings. "Next, Melania, what are you guys twins?, or something" Coach Kulp asks. "No she is 3 grades below me I'm in 12th she is in 9th, honey," Pelania says. Melania Sadie's the routine perfectly. "You will get the results tomorrow, Dismissed."

          When Melania and Pelania return home, Christopher is not there, nowhere to be found. They call the police. When the Palm Beach Police arrive they asked the mother where she was during the time of school, she says that she was out at the Cafe O'lay Place down the street, and the manager can verify. They ask the dad, he says he was at work during this time, working on a big project involving the Empire State Building in NYC, and several people can verify. They asks the sisters, they say they were at Cheerleading tryouts, and many girls can verify that, so can the coach. They ask the girls, if he was with anyone and they say, "well earlier I saw him with his friends," Pelania says. "And... there names," Sheriff Patt Williams asks. "Um um, Shane, and Kalup, and Jason.

                    When the police go to find them there missing too...

          The PBP came back to the Adams Household, and told them some disturbing news, there were 4 bodies found by the Detriup River. And the names of them where Shane Woodhall, Kalup Bosh, Jason Hernandez, and Christopher Adams. They family couldn't stop crying but they all wanted to know who did it, who killed Christopher, and the others!?!?!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2018 ⏰

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