Dumb Mistake

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Your POV

"Mornin' babe." A heavenly, deep and husky, voice greeted me.

"Good morning, Levi." I replied with a smile plastered on my face as I took my place beside my boyfriend and we started walking in the direction of our school.

"How was your morning, Y/N?" He asked sweetly.

"It was fine, same as usual. What about you?"

"It got better when I saw your beautiful face." Levi announced smugly.

I could feel blood rush to my cheeks as I heard every sweet word that came out of his mouth. I could hear him chuckle at my reaction.

Everything still felt like a dream, it all happened so fast and it was all too surreal. I was still questioning whether I'm having a dream that felt too realistic.

~Flashback~1 month before~

'Meet me at the basketball court at 3p.m. sharp after school. I'll be waiting.' I read the blue sticky-note that was pasted on my locker, silently.

*Who could it be?* I thought as I unlocked my locker and placed the sticky-note inside whilst taking out materials for next period.

The rest of the day went pass like a blur as the words from the sticky-note constantly at the back of my mind, distracting from my classes and destroying my focus in general.

Soon, it was 2.56p.m. and I was currently on my way to the basketball court behind the school.

Once I arrived there, I saw something I had not expected at all. If you had told me this this would  happen beforehand, I would have laughed it off and said that you were crazy. But it was real.

The Levi Ackerman was standing there with a beautiful red rose in hand, staring into the space in front of him. The school's most good-looking and popular but cold guy whom turns down every girl who confesses to him. 

The one whom I admire and the only one who can make my heart go crazy. My crush. I've had this feeling for him for about 2 years now.

I acknowledge that mine and his league are in different dimensions and may never even touch but there he was.

The scene looked as if it had been cut out from a high school romance movie; too perfect, too unreal.

I slowly walked over with anxiety and nervousness creeping up on me, making my heart fluttered with each closing step as well as making me tremble and flinch a little every now and then.

Levi turned his head in my direction as he heard my soft footsteps.

The corner of his lips curled upwards as he showed a loving smile which had a little nervousness to it.

I stood in front of him as I fiddled with my fingers, nervously. "W-Was it you who wrote the note on my l-locker?" I stuttered out, avoiding eye contact.

"Y/N..." The way my name perfectly rolled off his tongue made the butterflies in my stomach go crazy. "Yes, I was the one who wrote the note. I just wanted to say that I've always admired you. You are smart...gorgeous...and kind..."

I slowly tilted my head up to look at his face. Scared. Scared that this was all a dream and he would just turn to smoke and I would wake up.

"I was wondering... Will you be my girlfriend?" He said as he offered me the red rose.

Just as the last sentence came out from his mouth, my entire world stopped. *Am I dreaming?* I thought to myself.

Dumb Mistake || Levi AckermanWhere stories live. Discover now