Part One

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Part One: Stupid Teenage Promises

Riley's POV-

I sat there on a bench in the park sobbing like the biggest idiot in the world. I couldn't believe what a jerk Jason was, he said he loved me and the moment I told him I wanted to wait to have sex he dumped me. What kind of bullshit was that? And then as if that wasn't enough he leaves me here at the park in the middle of the night.

“Ugh, I hope I get killed and he feels so guilty he kills himself!” I shouted at the cold cruel night air.

“Well that's a weird request, but I'm kinda all in,” a male voice broke through the awkward silence making me scream as I whipped my head around to see a guy. He had brown hair and hazel eyes, his nose was crooked like he'd broken it. He was good looking in an awkward kinda way, like he could probably go through a crowd unnoticed, but when you looked at him he was kinda hot.

He was dressed in black faded jeans that were torn at the knees, a black t shirt that had holes in the front showing some bruising beneath on his skin.

I realized instead of staring like an idiot I should be running, I jumped up facing him and digging through my backpack.

“Don't fucking touch me, freak! I have pepper spray and a taser,” I warned in a shaky voice. I couldn't scare a cat with my pathetic voice, it was hoarse from crying and I was still sniffling. Probably had snot running down my face.

“Well, when you find it let me know and I'll be out of your hair,” he said with a smirk as he sat on the bench.

“You're not going to hurt me, are you?” I mumbled, I wasn't going to find this pepper spray today, and I lied about the taser.

“Killing Riley Bennett from Shit Field High, do I look like I want to get caught?” He taunted, giving me this sideways glance as he patted the seat next to him.

I sat down, all the way on the edge of the bench, as if two feet would really offer protection. “How do you know my name?”

“We have Biology together, dumbass. Maybe if you noticed things besides your boyfriend and conceited friends you wouldn't have to be begging to be killed at the park, like a freak.” His tone was teasing.

“I don't have a boyfriend anymore,” I snapped. “And my friends aren't conceited, don't assume shit about us.”

“Jason Blake sounds like his parents thought if they gave him a cool name he'd have an easier life,” he said, ignoring my snapping. “But if he's going around making hot girls like you cry at parks at night so he's obviously just an ass, right?”

“You're Garrett, right? Garrett Thompson or something?”

“Turner,” he corrected. “Garrett Turner. You can tell I'm not going to be an asshole from my name, huh?”

“You kinda look like one.” I looked at him again, from this close I could see one of his knees was bloody and those were definitely bruises on his stomach.

“That's rude,” he told me with a laugh, as he pushed his hair back so it wasn't in his eyes. His hair looked a little damp, it was sweaty.

“You just look like you fight for no reason,” I corrected. “Why are you all beat up?”

“Parkour, actually,” Garrett corrected me once again. “You draw a lot of conclusions.”

“Sorry, I just hate the male race today,” I mumbled, feeling shitty for snapping at him.

“What happened?”

As if on cue I spilled out the whole story, everything. The details about the entire night, how we'd gone out to see a movie. It was an action movie because Jason didn't watch romantic movies. How I'd been stupid enough to give him a hand job because he'd moved my hand over his hard on during one of the dark scenes. How'd he'd been pushing himself on me in the car when we parked at the park, telling me he loved me as he kissed my neck all sloppily. Leaving a thick trail of saliva on my skin making me feel disgusting.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2018 ⏰

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