PART 1 - Coffee Shop

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You are a 17 year old called Holly. You have blonde hair and it was really long, your eyes are blue and you loved playing the guitar.


I was on the plane heading to LA. Ive always wanted to go to LA, I hated living in England I was bullied 24/7 and I nearly gave up but when my mother mentioned she wanted me to do online school across the country in LA I was so happy.

Mum: Hey, you excited? were nearly here.
Holly: yeah, I'm soo excited I don't have to go to school anymore.
Mum: Well get ready to get off the plane :)
*she smiled at me as got ready to get off the plane*
Getting off the plane I grabbed my stuff got in the car and went to my new house, I was extremely excited. When I got there I unpacked my clothes and just ended up falling to sleep from the long flight.
~ 1hour later ~
I woke up from my nap and decided I wanted to go for a walk

Holly: Mum I'm going out for a bit!
Mum: Ok hun, be back in a few hours
Holly: Ok, see you soon!

I left the house and went to a local coffee shop. When I got there I ordered a latte then sat down. Scrolling through Instagram whilst sipping on my latte I felt a tap on my shoulder.

???: Hey, do you think I can sit here, it's really busy and there's no where else to sit?
Holly: sure, what's your name?
???: I'm Daniel, what about you?
Holly: I'm holly, nice to meet you :) *you smiled*
Daniel: Nice to meet you to, What's a pretty girl like you doing here alone?
Holly: *you blushed* thanks, but I just came for a stroll, I just moved here today from England and I'm just getting to know the place.
Daniel: Oh how come you moved, and your cute when you blush ;)
Holly: Thanks, It's a long story and I don't have much time, my mum wants me home soon.
Daniel: oh well maybe you can tell me another time.
Holly: yeah maybe we'll thanks for the talk :)
Daniel: your welcome but before you leave, how are we going to meet up again if you don't have a way of communicating with me?, here take this.
*he handed me a piece of paper with his number on, I tucked it safely in my pocket and walked home with a huge smile on my face*

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