Lather, Rinse, Repeat {OnHo} Oneshot

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Onew was sitting on the couch after a long day of schedules when he heard the deep voice drifting from the bathroom. It was hard to hear at first; nothing but a deep hum trying to overpower the steady thunder of the water falling from the shower head. But the more he strained his ears the easier it was to distinguish the rise and falls of the melodies and the baritone of the voice. Seeing as how there was no one back from their schedule yet except for MinHo (as his Dream Team recording had finished early due to technical difficulties) he knew it couldn't be anyone else but the rapper. 

It was humorous to the leader, who knew the younger boy was often shy about revealing any voice other than the one he used to rap when it came to his musical side. God knew that he had control to his voice. His years of yelling at teammates and training in the field of music had made it so that he had a certain originality in his voice that even he envied at times. 

Without noticing, Onew lowered the volume of the program he was watching and tuned into the song that MinHo was belting. It occured to him that he didn't know he was here since he'd come in after he'd stepped into the shower and he'd never taken care to announce his presence. If he had wanted, he could just amble on over to the door and start singing along with MinHo. For all he knew it could be the moment that made his night. A regular ol' gag. But MinHo wasn't easy to startle... So it would be fruitless to even try to ambush him... 

A sudden scream of agony prickled the hairs along Onew's neck. His head jerked up at the sound while his eyes widened from the shock of the harmonious serenade being broken so harshly. There was no time to waste with thinking over what might have provoked MinHo into uttering such a sound. All the leader could think of was getting to the bathroom and fending off whatever had startled his dongsaeng - even if he knew deep down that he was capable of taking care of himself.

His feet pounded against the hardwood floors and while turning the corner his sock slid out from underneath him, sending him careening into the wall. The adrenaline feeding his energy didn't let him stop, though, and instead forced him to scramble on all fours until he managed to pick himself up and keep sprinting on his two feet. Something in his head was shouting at him to move faster but he couldn't. Unlike MinHo, he wasn't able to clear the dorm in less than two seconds. No human really was...

"Are you okay?!" Onew blurted as soon as he'd slammed the door open. It had been left unlocked, much to his surprise, but he assumed that was because MinHo thought he had been the sole resident in the dorm.

Through the clear curtain of the shower SHINee's leader could see the rapper frantically rubbing at his eyes while simultaneously trying to widen them to try and make out who was standing in the room with him. His dark brows were furrowed in a look of confusion until the light turned on upstairs and his face contorted into a look of embarrassed fury. 

"Hyung! What are you doing in here?! Get out! Can't you see I'm in the shower?!" He tried to use the hand not scratching at his face cover up all his exposed areas but to no avail. Everything was much too large to conceal anyway...

"I'm sorry! I thought you were in danger!" Onew shrieked, partially horrified by what he was witnessing and by what had passed through his head when staring at his dongsaeng's body.

"Why would I be in danger in the shower?!" yelled MinHo. "All I did was get shampoo in my eyes!" 

The roles of embarrassment reversed until Onew's face was stained a beet red colour from the neck up. To think he had thought that a psychopath could have crawled through the nonexistent windows in the bathroom... Taking a moment to assess the situation, he could see now that nothing other than MinHo slipping and hitting his head could have really hurt him physically. Except for the shampoo. But why had he screamed so loudly just because of a little soap in his eyes?

Lather, Rinse, Repeat {OnHo} OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now