Chapter 16 - What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger

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A few months later time skip//

Lauren's POV
Today's the day I walk again.
After the whole ordeal, Steve and I been kidnapped and all, I was in hospital for a month, in rehab for another and finally...I'm healed. Well, physically anyway. My physio says I'm strong enough to walk now. The day starts off like any other. I make my way down to the kitchen after having dressed Kai, making myself and Nick coffee and Kai her breakfast which consists of eggs, toast and orange juice. "Morning gorgeous." Nick greets with a kiss. "Morning babe." I smile. "Morning Mama, morning daddy." Kai greets as she skips down the stairs. "Morning baby." I pick her up, placing her in my lap. "Mama, when are you getting better?" She suddenly asks. "Actually, today. The doctor said my leg's all better now and I'm going to get the cast off." I reveal. "Really?!" She exclaims. "Yeah." I chuckle. "Alright you little monkey, go eat your breakfast. Your dad and I have to drop you off at school." I tell her. "Has Steve called yet?" I ask. "No, must be a quiet day I suppose." He shrugs. "I'm done mamma." She shows me her clean plate. "Good girl, let's go." I nod. We all pile into the car before heading off. We drop Kai off at day care before heading to the hospital. We arrive there within minutes and Nick wheels me in. "Hi, I have an appointment for my wife." He inquires at the reception. "Name?" She asks. "Lauren Stokes." He answers. "He'll be out in a moment." She nods. "You okay babe?" He asks as we wait. "Y, Yeah." I mutter. "You've got that look on your face, the same look the first time this happened." He sighs. "I'm just, nervous. That's all." I confess. "Don't worry." He assured me with a kiss. "Lauren Stokes." The doctor calls out. "Yup." I raise my hand. Nick wheels me into his office before shutting the door behind me. "Alright Ms Stokes. Let's have a look at your recent X-rays." The doctor states. He studies the transparent pictures for a few minutes, frowning as he studies each detail. "Well, from what I can see, you should be well enough to take the casts off." He finally decides. "The X-rays show no signs of internal or external damage or complications. It seems you've healed rather well." He continues. "How long till I can walk again?" I ask. "Well, depending on your physio schedule it could take from 1 week to 1 month." He explains. "Although from your X-rays and frequent physio, I should see no reason why it has to be a month." He states. "Our first priority is the cast." He explains. With the help of Nick, I'm prepped on the doctor chair. "This won't hurt. This blade isn't sharp enough to cut flesh." He assures me. Using his saw like apparatus, he cuts open my cast, finally pulling it off. "Now I suggest you don't overexert yourself. Your legs will require further therapy to regain their full strength." He continues. "I will not be signing your official release form back to work for another month as a precaution. I'm also scheduling another appointment for you with me in a month's time to reassess you, see if you're fit to get back to work. For now, I suggest you stick it out with the paperwork. I'm also giving you these." He reveals a pair of crutches. "You'll no longer require the wheelchair and it should be much easier for you to get around in these." He states. "Thank you so much doctor." Nick shakes his hands as we leave. "Just doing my job officer." He smiles. "Aloha." He waves before we leave. I hobble in front of Nick to the car, stumbling into the passenger side. "Why the long face? Is it the paperwork? If it is, I'll do it with you. Provided Steve doesn't need me in the field." He comforts. "It's not that. I mean it is but it isn't." I sigh. A few frustrated tears slip my eyes, rolling down my cheeks. "'re gonna be's alright..." He soothes. Nicky gently wipes off the tears, planting a kiss on my lips for each one. "I love you baby..." He whispers. "I love you too." I smile. "Do you want to go home? Steve hasn't called yet and if he hasn't called by now, they probably don't need us." He suggests. "Yeah." I agree. So, we head back home.

Meanwhile at the McGarrett household...

No one's POV
All was quite at the McGarrett household. Why do you ask? Because, Keao and Loha were off on assignment and Steve was off surfing with Chin, Kono and Danno like every morning. He was lonely, no doubt. But he kept himself busy when he wasn't on the job. He and Lauren volunteered at the nearby orphanage every few days, when they weren't busy with the task force. Danny, Chin, Kono and himself enjoyed their daily morning surf. All in all, he wasn't complaining. He checked his phone once out of the water for messages. It looked like today was an off day for the nutjobs, wackos, psychos and killers on the island. He wasn't one to complain. A free day was rare, never mind on such a beautiful summer and he wasn't going to wait around for work. "Wanna go for another ride?" He suggests to his fellow surf buddies. "Sure." They all agree before running head first towards the water with surfboards in their arms.

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