"Give Your Head A Snake" (c)

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The Greyhound's just blasted away this stoning rain of gravel 

all over her as it's fled this bus stop.  She, Ruth, has just come home

to her parents, Ezekiel and Martha from Bible College.  They are the only

ones she knows who love her, but not as much, of course, as God.

How could they?  They're only Human.

It's now this Chevy Biscayne's door opens up and Pastor Dueck 

steps out all grim faced and gray.  He's also the Volunteer Fire Chief

here in this Manitoban town.  He's covered in soot with his face streaked

it seems from streams of tears.  He's here to tell her what she must hear.

What doesn't kill you will make you stronger is what he's thinking as he

walks towards her.  What he says, he must say, first, is..."Ruth, your parents

are dead.".  What he must, tell, is that they were hit by lightning while she

was away and couldn't help them.  They spent their last moments

upon this cold stone we call, Home, as Human torches.

"Tragedy must touch us all...", he says, it's the same test as the one

that furnaced Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego.

Trust in God.  Believe that his angels are always near

to lift you up when your time has come...I'm sure some were there

when they died..."  How do you answer that?  How did she, answer it?

With, as any good sister would with trembling and tears

and, "Praise Jesus".


We are here...you are here, too, in Vancouver as we watch this

businessman strutting down Beatty Street towards Pender.

He's been putting on this swagger to prove that he can handle

whatever's thrown at him, whatever comes charging.

This is the deal that's going to make or break him.

He's sure of it.  Feels it in his bones.

Today's, the day he flies...

Except, inside, there's this dream he's had

this morning that just wont fade away as dreams

are supposed to soon after we wake and open our eyes

so we won't be fooled by their seduction and let ourselves

be lifted into the clouds.

It is a beautiful day today.  The doom and demise of our planet

has it's benefits.  Climate Change means Vancity's not the grey

and sodden place it once was.  This is a Summer day and it's not raining.

Well, I mean, it wasn't...

It's falling.  They're falling.

All of these drops catching upon these passersby.

It's only him who stops.  Only him who looks up.

He is the lone and first one to find, as these mists

now join and swirl that they aren't raindrops.

They are tears.

Falling from the eyes of this woman.

Yes, that's what she seems to be.

What she must be, high up on the side

of this building, ledge and pediment, 

tears falling from her face as if they're

this shining bride's veil that's now

catching upon, touching and imbuing

into him Her magick elixir seeping through

his body, his skin, into his veins.


This is how my first story begins...

The first of thirteen by thirteen...

The first of the triptych, trio of baleful tales,

"Give Your Head A Snake" (c).

The second's,   "All Her Eggs In One Casket" (c).

The third's, "Flash'n'Blood" (c).

I am, Wolf Salaam.

This is, and your'e welcomed into it, 

"The Lucifer Factory".

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2018 ⏰

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