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Tony looked at Gibbs in shock. Senior was going to stay the night at Gibbs'? Well, there went his plans for the night. He'd figured he could get Jethro into bed and have nice, hot sex before going to bed. He hated not being in the loop on a case. Senior always did manage to screw him over no matter what he did. He'd have to spend the night on edge, knowing his father was in the room right next to him.

Once he could finally leave for the night, Tony got into his car and drove towards Gibbs' house. He did park a few blocks away so his father wouldn't notice, and slipped inside to grab a quick bite to eat before cleaning up and heading up to the master bedroom. He waited there, patiently, for Gibbs and Senior to arrive. He couldn't let Senior know he was there, no way was he telling his father about his relationship with his boss.

Tony sighed and sat on the edge of the bed, resting his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands. "What am I gonna do?" He muttered into the palm of his hand, before nervously running his hand through his hair. He took a deep breath and stretched out on the bed, waiting and listening intently. Normally he'd listen to music, but he wanted to be prepared.

Gibbs arrived with DiNozzo Sr. and showed him inside. The agent instantly noticed that Tony had arrived and would be waiting in the master bedroom for him. He brought out some leftovers from their dinner last night and made sure Senior ate before sending him up to the guest room, using the opportunity to slip into the master bedroom himself and stalk over to his husband silently. "Tony" he whispered, "what're you doing here? I figured you'd gone to the apartment tonight." They still kept Tony's apartment and spent almost equal time there as they did at the house, and they hadn't changed their addresses with HR nor had they alerted them of their marriage, as they didn't find it necessary to do so.

Tony opened his eyes and smiled up at Jethro. "Couldn't leave you alone with my dad" he whispered back and sat up, reaching out and tugging the older man into a kiss, arm sliding around his neck to hold him close and not let him get away. Jethro smiled against his lips and kissed him back, moving to sit next to him on the bed before pulling away, smiling warmly when Tony tried to follow his lips. "I could've handled him, Tony" he mumbled, his words a soft breath against plump lips.

"I'm going to take the couch tonight, don't want him catching us together if he needs me" Jethro continued before kissing Tony once more and then standing.

Tony looked up at him. "You don't really think he did it, do you?" He asked quietly, prompting Jethro to shake his head. "No, Tony, I don't, but until we prove it, he's our prime suspect. Right now he's got the means, the motive, and the opportunity" he answered just as quietly, a calloused hand stroking across the younger man's cheek and jaw. "Goodnight, husband." He turned and got changed, his excuse for going into the bedroom and then leaving, leaving the door ajar so Tony could hear what was going on in the rest of the house.

Gibbs informed Senior he was staying on the couch and then did so, curling on the couch and falling asleep there. He'd never really had trouble sleeping, but he was still a light sleeper, which could be annoying when Tony began moving around in his sleep. But tonight it was a good thing, as Senior decided in the middle of the night to get out of bed and head to the kitchen.

"Where you going, chief?" He muttered as he sat up.

"What's the matter, Gibbs? Don't trust me? Standing guard?" Senior asked, looking at Gibbs.

"No." Gibbs removed the blanket and moved to stand. "I always rack here."

DiNozzo Sr. nodded as he watched the agent stand and head towards him. "I had trouble sleeping. I thought I'd, uh, get a glass of milk or something stronger".

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