Sophia's letter to Amy.

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Dear Mummy,

I'm so proud of you Mummy! For winning the award :D Nicky told me you won before we went in but I'll still be excited when they say your name!

I know you think you haven't been a good mummy but you're the best mummy in the whole world. I would never want anyone else but you. I'm so proud to be your daughter. And you're okay now mummy, so we can live together forever.

I'm so happy I look like you and talk like you and have your personality like Grandad says I do. I love Daddy but I want to be like you. Thank you for giving me your ability to sing. You're the best singer in the whole world. And the best mummy. I love you.

Love from,
your Sophia xxxxxx

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2018 ⏰

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