The Woods

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I was sick last night, and I still feel weak and drowsy. I just woke up and I glance over at my bedside clock. 3:00 am. Sighing tiredly, but feeling excited at the same time, I get up hoping not to wake anyone. My feet hang over the bedside and I bend down to grab on my boots, which I keep there. I told my parents I keep my boots there for an emergency, that’s not why I keep them there.

I walked to my door and grabbed the fuzzy robe hanging on the back of the door. I started to grab the door handle then stop myself, remembering to grab my brown backpack with my supplies for the night. I swung the pack over my shoulder and grabbed a key chain-flashlight in my hand.

I got up and took a deep breath in preparing and anticipating for what I was about to do. Adrenalin rushes through me. I slowly open my door and walked down the hallway making sure not to make a sound. I step down the hallway, carefully avoiding all the hardwood planks I know creek if I were to step on them.

I walk down the hallway and head toward the main door. I’m so close to the door. I touch the door knob and feel relief come over me; I know I’m so close.

I open the door and walk out, closing the door silently behind me.

I run fast, feeling free and alone. I always get a sense of freedom when I go into the woods. I get the feeling of rebellion and independence, I always feel invincible. 

I live in the country and no one lived near our large house. The closest people are a small family that lives nearly a kilometer away. The parents only have one kid, a 15 year old boy, my best friend, and the one I would be meeting up with today. His name is Lev.

I started walking over to Lev's. It was cold, and I walked fast, hoping to generate heat and get there as fast as possible.

The walk wasn’t too long, around seven minutes. I walked along the highway for those seven minutes, just thinking about the excitement we were going to have tonight

When I got to Lev's house he was hiding behind a large oak tree in his front yard. I quietly gestured for him to come on.

We walked across Lev’s lawn and across the highway. As we stepped into the woods we both knew we were no longer safe until we reached our tree. Anything could attack us, and the tree was where we build our fort. We built it when we were little and nothing could climb up it. The rungs on the ladder to get up were too far apart.

When we were little Lev and I would tell stories to classmates about our adventures in the forest but they would all say we were liars. Mrs. Jameson said we both had overactive imaginations. No one believed us, but it's understandable. I wouldn't believe myself either, if I hadn't seen the creatures with my own eyes.

We walked into the forest hoping all the creatures would be asleep, hoping not to wake them. If any were awake they wouldn’t hurt us, they were scared of us. But we were careful, just as a precaution. Suddenly, Lev's voice broke the silence.

"Tally I really don't think we should do this anymore"

"What? Come into the forest? Or come into the forest at 3:30am?" I asked him. I really didn't see the problem. We never got caught and we never will. We have done it so many times; we would go into the woods at night ever since we were 12. I loved the adrenaline rush.

"Both" he replied. He looked really nervous so I stopped him. I looked at him in the eye, and smirked.

"Lev" I said, "Don't be such a wuss"

I kept walking, Lev silently glaring at me.

We heard a rustle and both turned our heads toward the sound. It seemed to be coming from a nearby bush. We stood there frozen, listening for anymore movement. I slowly started to point my flashlight at the bush and I started to see the bottom of a figure.

Before I could make out what it was it jumped out at me. My eyes widened, and I started panicking. I fell to the ground and screamed. The creature bit down on my hand trying to take away the flashlight. I screamed even louder, my hand in so much pain. I couldn't think straight anymore. I frantically ripped my hand out of the creatures' mouth, my hand covered in blood. "LEV!" I screamed. The creature's claws were digging into my thighs and shoulder, pinning me down. The creature attempted to claw at my face but I moved my head out of the way. It came to claw again but it stopped. And fell over on its side.

I turned my head, breathing heavily, to see Lev with a large, stick in his hand. The end of the stick was pointy and covered in blood. I slowly got up, too scared to say anything and we both sprinted to the fort. The only place we would be safe.

We didn't stop until we got to the fort, and when we did get there I sat in it and cried. Lev looked at me sadly, and tried to find something in the bag that would soothe my arm. My hand was ripped up and would need stitches, the bone was possibly broken. I stared at my hand; it made me feel sick to my stomach and It hurt horribly. I couldn't hide what happened to my hand so all I had to do was come up with a believable lie to tell my parents.

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