Spanking kink

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About: Dan is becoming very fond when Phil starts teasing him by slapping his butt. Though there not a kinky couple.

Dan's POV
Again there's another candy wrapper tuck between the couch cushions. I snatch the empty foil and start to walk to the kitchen to dispose the trash from my lazy ass boyfriend. On my way down the hall I see empty water bottles scattering the hallway. I grumble getting even more angry then I already was. "Phil!" I yell storming into our bedroom. He was laying on his back on his phone "Hey babe." He says looking away from his phone. His black glasses on the roof of his nose. "Don't 'hey babe me' I say rolling me eyes. Phil puts his phone on the desk beside him looking at me. "What's your problem?" He asks getting off the bed walking passed me. Before Phil could walk out the door I grab his wrists so he spins around looking at me. "What!" He whines "Phil I told you about this millions of times to pick up your trash!" He just yawns crossing his arms. "Unbelievable." I huff under my breathe "Calm down baby." Phil says slapping my ass. "Your tense." He says waking out of the room.

  My eyes wide and filled with shock. I reach down to my ass. It's still stinging. I run into the kitchen to see Phil laying on the couch TV remote in his hands flipping threw the channels. "Why did you do that?" I ask. "What?" Phil asks not taking his gaze away from TV "Uhh.. nothing." I stutter my legs getting weak thinking about Phil's big hands slapping my ass. Feeling his hands bounce off my skin making my ass jiggle under his palm. Leaving the stinging sensation.

~ The Next Day ~
"Damnit Phil." I mutter rummaging threw the cabinet. Looking for a clean glass. It was Phil's turn to un-load the dishwasher. All the bowls were in the sink. I roll my eyes picking up the bowl. "Ah is my maid cleaning up after me?"
Phil snickers putting an empty cereal bowl into the sink it landed with a clutter. Before I could even think of how to criticize Phil I feel the familiar sting on my bottom. I whimper snapping my head back starring at Phil with my eyes blown and my mouth hanging open. "Phil...what?" I stutter over my words. Phil only laughs again swallowing the remaining of cereal in his mouth. Leaving the kitchen going into the living room.

"Sorry it was just a nice view babygirl." I stand up straight fixing my black jumper and lifting up my shoulders a gleam of confidence running threw my Veins. I march into the living room to see Phil slumped down on the couch on his phone. I stood right in front of him. He doesn't look up only sighing. "Dan can you go fetch me some crisps?" Still not looking up from his phone. "No!" I raise my voice not only startling Phil but me as well. Making my knees buckle, "What's gotten into you?" He grumbles. I stare at him trying to understand why I'm so flustered right now. I didn't know how to answer Phil's question. I don't even know the answer. Phil finally looks up at me hearing me sigh with frustration. My bloody pants started to tighten. What the fuck is happening? Why am I hard all of the sudden? Why the hell do I get so... awkward? No confused or flustered when Phil smacks my ass I mean it's just a little sexual gesture.

What's my problem. Every ounce of dominance and confidence drain from me making my shoulders slump down. Phil watches with curiosity. He looks down at my twitching hands. I have a fucking boner! Jesus I'm sexually confused. He looks at the tent in my black skinny's. His eyebrows furrowed at the sudden turn on. Though his mood changes fast to curiosity to lust. Eyes darkened glasses fogged a little bit he  stands up making me stumble a little he grabs a hold of my arms tight digging his nails into my arms surely leaving bruises though I'm a little taller than Phil I'm still hovering over him but when he's like this it makes me feel so small and worthless I love it.

His jaw clenched trying to read my eyes. "Hit me." I shut my mouth regretting what I said as soon as the words left my mouth I feel as if I'm about to fall to my knees Phils eyes widened not losing his grip. "What was that princess." He whispers and a husky voice reading over so his mouth grazes my ear. "Uhhhh." I shutter tilting my head back mouth agape. Phil let's go of my arm and grabs my jaw tightly yanking my
Head to meet his gaze. "I said, say it again." Phil spat with one arm trapped in his hold and the other on my jaw. "S--spank me again." I stutter ashamed at myself of how ridiculous and pathetic I sound. Phil let's go of my arm raising his hand and letting it fall with a loud smack. "Uh." I whimper out he repeats this action. "Phil, shi--shit." I moan. "You like that baby?" He grunts. His strong hold still on my jaw.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2018 ⏰

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