Don't go//Mini Ladd

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 Author note: Hello! This is slightly on the sad side, so I hope you enjoy. Also, check out my editing Instagram account @daddy_terroriser 

                                     If you didn't want to read the author note, here you go...

He didn't want me anymore. Despite all the messages of reassurance he would send me, I knew. He didn't want to hold me anymore, but I would push myself against him in hopes he would at least force himself to tighten his grip. He didn't want to visit anymore. We lived 20 minutes from each other, so he had no excuse other than, 'I don't feel up to it, maybe tomorrow?' He wasn't the same man I fell for two years ago. I could look into his eyes to see no sort of love anymore. I knew he didn't want me anymore, but I couldn't except it. I couldn't until today.

We stared at each other, the Autumn wind blowing my (H/C) hair in front of my face. Usually he would use his much larger hands to brush it out of my face, but he didn't. I spent the month of distance to prepare myself for this moment, but what did I really expect? I didn't know for sure if this was goodbye, but my gut nudged at that it was. I just flashed a weak smile, my cheeks taking on a rosy shade as the slightly cold air hit my face once more.

"Why don't you come in? I have some pizza on. It's your favorite." My weak smile never left my soft colored lips. He simply just shook his head, slipping his hands into his coat pockets. I knew it was time. I stood up straight, biting my lip. How hard could this impact me? My thoughts scattered as my (E/C) colored eyes glossed over.

"I know you took my silent warnings to prepare for this." Craig spoke, his voice soft yet cold. No matter how much prepping I done, this didn't make my chest hurt any less. I nodded in response, as my eyes trailed to the pavement below my feet. What was I suppose to say? The love of my life was leaving me. My gaze kept itself forced on the discolored concrete. It was cracked at every edge. I felt like I could relate to the pavement I've walked on for years now. I knew I had to look up, I couldn't keep hiding from the pain soon to overcome me. I tilted my head up, my eyes falling onto his.

"Before you go. I hope you remember the years we spent, and I hope you don't regret our love ever existing." My voice cracked slightly, as I basically whispered through the tears. I wanted to grab him, to beg him to stay. For the split second I stared into his dark colored eyes, everything felt okay.

"I walked blind into our relationship years ago. I went into it knowing nothing. I didn't expect it to go on so long, I thought I'd get bored. Yet, I didn't. I went two lovely years with an amazing girl who gave me anything I asked for." He stopped speaking, which gave me a second to tear up. Why was he leaving me? He shouldn't leave me if he seems happy.

"But, excitement like this doesn't last. We settled down so fast. I care for you, a lot. Trust me. I just can't keep that thrill coursing through us. We went longer than most couples who jump into this type of stuff blind." He placed his larger hand onto my cheek, out of habit. I knew this was going to happen. I knew when he asked me out on a date in the pouring rain at a gas station, that I would fall in love with him. His touch sent shivers down my spine, as my eyes closed. I took in the last touch I would feel from him. I let my eyes slightly open, as the tears fell down my cheek. I knew I had to say goodbye.

"You're the most beautiful girl I have ever been with. You've laid in bed with me weeks on end as I was sick. You took care of me. You went through every burst of anger, or tear I've shed over the course of two years. I feel slightly destroyed by telling you goodbye." But yet he was still leaving. He was leaving with two years worth of memories, and a smile on his face. He wiped away one of the falling tears, as he backed up a little bit, placing his hands back into his coat pockets.

"Goodbye, (Y/N). May you find someone for you who goes into the relationship prepared. May they kiss the girl I used to adore." His eyes stayed locked on mine. Pain coursed through me. My silent cries, turned into sobs as he backed off the pavement I was standing on, walking to his car that was in view. I wanted to beg him to stay. It took ever ounce of respect I had for myself to close my mouth. I just sighed, the sobs grew louder as he made his way to his driver side. He didn't look back after that. He simply got into his car and left.

"Please don't go." I spoke through a painful, airtight sob. Everything I loved had left. I stared as his car got smaller and smaller to see, as I kept walking on the pavement towards it. I let the tears continue to fall, as I walked through the cold air. I should've begged him to stay. I should have blocked out the right thing to do, and grabbed onto him for a hug. But I didn't, and now that's what will haunt me. I let him go, when all I wanted to do was keep him close.

Author note: So, how did you like it? Anyways! Vote and comment please. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2018 ⏰

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