Timmy's Bio

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Name: Timothy Logan Crunch

Age: 19

Nickname: Tim, Timmy

Appearance: Timmy has swishy blonde hair and warm chocolate brown eyes. Some rumor that he drank too much chocolate milk as a child. He's relatively tall, standing at about 5'11". He always carries a box of Captain Crunch on his back, which little do other people know, does not only carry a delicious cereal. All of his T-Shirts carry an idiotic saying that would be tagged as "swaggot." He does this to be ironic most of the time but he can also weed out people who judge by looks. He walks in his signature high top converse that are yellow with lots of pink and blue kawaii markings on them. He regularly wears cargo shorts, and refuses to wear anything but cargo shorts even in the winter.

Biography: Timmy came from a great legacy. The Crunch legacy. Timmy is the son of the actual Captain Crunch. And despite this fact, he's not always had the best life. He grew up without a mother, as she died giving birth to the premature Timmy. Timmy struggled to live as a baby as he was too small, but eventually gained strength... more than the doctors imagined. He fully recooperated from his premature birth and is unnaturally healthy. He never got sick as a child, which is described as the "Crunch Phenomena." No person from the crunch line ever gets sick. Timmy ended up becoming one of the poster boys for the Captain Crunch cereal brand and was extremely popular with everyone, including the girls. Timmy started rebelling against his father when he turned about 13, not wanting to inherit the Crunch legacy. But being an only child, it lies on his shoulders.

Personality: Heartbreaker. He's a hopeless romantic who seems to get caught up in relationships. He's been searching for someone who's right for him unknowingly but can never find the perfect fit. He's extremely terrible at making up comebacks. His speech pattern is unusually proper. He's good at having intelligent conversations but is more likely to lie to you about his past than to tell you about it. He lies far too often.

Fears: Dark, enclosed spaces.

*Claustrophobia. As a child, he was accidentally thrown into the cereal boxing machine and quickly pulled out by a nearby worker. Ever since, he's been afraid of dark enclosed places. They're too much like the inside of a cereal box.

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