The Incident

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Setting #1: Tenten's apartment

Tenten's POV

I'm so nervous! I'm alone at my apartment with...none other that the GREAT Neji Hyuga, my training partner/crush. "So...uh...why are you here again?" I asked the Hyuga "Just wanted know...check on my training partner..." he said while his cheeks beet red. WAIT...WHAT!? The Great Hyuga Neji is BLUSHING!? "But...I'm fine...see?" I said as I gestured to myself "I...know that I just...never mind..." he said, turning away. That's the first time I've ever saw Neji blush...I wonder's impossible for him to like me...we came from 2 different worlds...he's...well, rich and influential while me, I'm an orphan...I'm alone. While I was still thinking, there was a loud knock on the door. I headed to open it, shocked to see Naruto there "N-Naruto!? What're you doing here?" I asked and Neji suddenly popped up behind me "I'm sorry, did I interrupt something?" Naruto asked the two of us.

Neji and I blushed "NO! WE WERE JUST TALKING!" we both yelled "Don't yell! I need your help, Neji...I heard from the others you were here in Tenten's apartment so I came to see you...something bad happened..." he said quickly "What happened?" Neji asked and Naruto pulled something from his side "It's about Hinata-chan..." Naruto said as he lowered his head and pulled a stroller from his side and showed it to us "What happened to Hinata!?" we both asked Naruto and he pointed to the stroller.

On the stroller was a baby, the baby was sleeping...the baby looked like Hinata "NARUTO! DID YOU MAKE MY COUSIN PREG--!?" Neji yelled but he was cut by Naruto who shushed him "No, Neji! She accidentally drank a baby potion! She thought it was water that was why she turned into a baby!" Naruto yelled "WHAT!?!?!?!?!" me and Neji asked as we screamed and the baby woke up and started crying! I picked the baby and made her sleep "Phew!" I said as I put the baby back to the stroller and the baby slept.

Neji's POV

"Naruto are you saying this baby is Hinata!?" I asked Naruto, totally forgetting about my cool guy attitude "As a matter of fact, yes...that's Hinata..." he said as he caressed the baby's head slowly. I cannot believe it! first cousin, she turned into a baby "So, what do you plan to do now, Naruto?" Tenten asked "I asked Grandma Tsunade if there's a cure for this...she said yes if I was willing to travel for two or more days to find the cure which was a herbal plant which grows every hundred years and it lies in the Land of Winter by the river.... So, I have to go there and get that plant for Hinata-chan...but it's too dangerous for Hinata to come so, I was wondering if I could leave her in your hands, Neji, Tenten..." Naruto said apologetically "Uh..." I managed to say as I looked at Tenten "Tenten if we do this then, people will think that we're a couple that has a daughter!" I said "Neji...please..." she said as she pouted. Ah! I hate when she does that...she knows I can't resist her cute pout! I sighed "Fine...but Naruto, be quick!" I said and Naruto smiled and thanked us and headed off.

Me and Tenten went inside with baby Hinata and we saw Naruto left a bag of baby stuff in her stroller " gonna be hard..." I said "No worries, Neji! We'll do this together!" Tenten said with her 'we-can-do-this pose' I smiled at her, she was the absolute best! Even though she knew that she'll get embarrased, that's okay with her so long as she can do everything that will protect the others. We sat together and after 5 minutes, Hinata started to cry and Tenten stood up and picked up the baby and she saw she was thumbsucking so, she gave Hinata to me and she made a bottle of milk in the kitchen. I looked at the baby she was so cute...she has the same old Hinata eyes, Hinata smile and Hinata shyness. Tenten suddenly gave Hinata the bottle of milk and we both put her in the stroller "Neji, let's take a walk..." she suddenly said "Uh..." I said "Please..." she said as she pouted again "Teny-chan..." I said as I saw her blush "Alright...let's go see the others..." I said as we both pushed the stroller and we stood together and went out of the house.

The Incident that brought NejiTen Together (NejiTen slight NaruHina)Where stories live. Discover now