Ch. 1 ~ Death by a Date

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Maddie Lane was going to die. By her mother's fury, obviously. It was inevitable, really, and she had seen it coming from day one. Of course it hadn't happened yet but every day the situation got worse and Maddie was constantly feeling like the whole problem would end in disaster. Which it would. Eventually. And maybe that day would be today...

The source of her problem: Brian Manning. Tall, blond, and freakishly athletic, Brian could make Maddie's mom fall for him, and if she were his age, that's probably what would happen. As a result, Maddie's mother settled for imagining him as her future son-in-law. And Maddie had only been dating him for two months. Yes, her mother liked to dream big. Because there was no way that would happen. Which led her to her problem. Obviously Maddie would have to break up with him sometime.

Her phone on her desk next to her lit up with a text message, breaking Maddie's rather sad train of thought. 

See u this evening! (emojis everywhere) I could get us a date at that restaurant downtown if u want

Yep, that was Brian. Talking about another potential death of hers. Time to text him back.

Are u sure u can afford that place?

Brian had a tendency to, well, spend his money on a bunch of irrelevant junk. Gradually, his bank account was emptying itself, leaving Maddie slightly concerned.

Yes I can afford that. Y do u ask?? If u don't want to go just say so.

Um, should she just say yes she didn't want to? That seemed really rude... Although on second thought, Maddie knew her mother checked all her texts with Brian. Not to supervise, but to sigh over how romantic Brian was. It did get annoying after a while. But the point was, she couldn't say anything that...well...mean, or her mother would know and then kill her. After thinking on it, Maddie knew the restaurant was out of the question. She always felt so out of place at anything nice. Always felt like she never looked the part. It's my hair, she thought. Her hair was usually a wild rat's nest. Frowning, Maddie realized she hadn't answered Brian yet. 

How about a date outside? I went running the other day and saw this pretty lake. It could be like a picnic dinner.

Picnic dinner. It sounded really childish to her now that she looked at it. But she had already hit send...

Ok c u soon. I'll swing by ur house a little b4 6. Bring food pls.

Maddie sighed. That was actually one of her nicer chats with Brian. Well, she better let her mother know...

Before she couldn't even finish that thought, her mother burst into Maddie's room, an expectant look on her face. "I'm just getting the laundry, sweetie. What are you up to?" That hungry look on her mother's face somewhat scared Maddie.

"Um, well, Brian texted. Date night. Sound okay? He'll be here right before six."

Her mother practically beamed at her. "Oh that sounds wonderful! He's so sweet, always thinking of you. You know, you don't have to ask for my permission to go out with Brian. You're 18, Madison, you can make your own choices."

You say that I can, but you set this up, Maddie thought, forcing a smile on her face. 

"Wear something nice, I'll fix up your makeup, and do something to your hair!" Her mother added before walking out of her room, Maddie's basket of laundry in her hands. 

Oh, right. Her crazy hair... And a date with her doom. 


"What'd you bring for dinner?" Was the first thing Brian said when arrived on Maddie's doorstep. 

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