Chapter 1

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     The boat rocked back and fourth tirelessly. For the third time today I threw up, my stomache had still not adjusted to the way the sea moved. After wiping my mouth I get up and put a fur robe on to go out on the deck. It was quiet and dark. The waves hit against the sides of the boat dully. By the light of the moon I crept across the deck to the edge. Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes. The salty smell of the air reminded me of the shores close to Winterfell. 


 A lump started to form in my throat and I blocked the thought as soon as it came. I didn't want to think about a place that wasn't my home and wouldn't be my home again.

"Sansa?" a voice said behind me. I started and turned.

"Lord Baelish." I say, nodding to him.

"What are you doing awake?" he asks, coming to stand close to me. I lean in closer, thankful for the warmth.

"I couldn't sleep." I say. "I lived most of my life in a stone castle that never moved, not on a boat that continuously pitches back and fourth." He chuckles softly and gently grabs my hand.

"I'm sorry, My Lady." he says and runs his thumb across my knuckles. The skin of my hand heats up and I blush. "This is the only way I could get you away." I sigh and nod.

"I will forever be in your debt, Petry." I murmer. He stills and looks away from me for a while. I take this oppurtunity to study him. His face is slender and sharply defined. I can see his stuble and the dark blue of his eyes. His face is etched with worry and laugh lines. I suppose that happens when you live in the capital for years. He looks at me suddenly and I blush, embarresed to be caught staring at him.

"You're not in my debt, my Lady. If anything I owed you, I left you with the devil himself." He says as he runs his fingers down my face. It takes a lot for me to let him do it, I've had to many years of abuse from Joffrey to feel comfort in the act of a hand on my face. "I wil never leave you with someone like that ever again." I close my eyes and feel a tear roll down my cheek. He had no idea what he did to me, he does't know that I see his face in my sleep. He doesn't know I scream myself awake because my father haunts my dreams. He doesn't know how many times the scene of my brother and mother being murdered plays in my mind.

"Thank you." I say after a second. "I'm not sure I could survive something like that again." With that I turn away and head for my cabin, suddenly very tired. When I get in I just lay in bed, thinkning about my life and how I was so naive. Only when dim morning light starts to light up my cabin do I fall asleep.


        "My Lady?" a hand gently shakes me awake. "Lord Baelish had me come to wake you up and get you ready. He's having late break fast now." I yawn and nodd, getting out of bed and sitting in the chair she has pulled over for me. She washes my hair and braids it down both sides and twists it into bun at the base of my neck. She helps me dress in a simple grey long dress with an over coat to keep away the chillines of the sea.

"Thank you." I say to dismiss her and then leave my cabin to go to the dinning hall below deck.

"Lady Sansa." Lord Baelish says when I arrive. Him, the captain, three barons and a basterd of Dorne  stand to greet me.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2018 ⏰

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