01. [ Yongguk ]

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genre: fluff / romance

You were fidgeting to the thought that your fridge is empty and you haven't got any dinner yet. You hurried to the market to pick up some groceries since you're planning to cook your favorite food in order to celebrate yourself. You live alone in an apartment, since then you have been used to do everything by yourself. You're considered as an 'iron lady' by your colleagues because of your independence and being strong since both of your parents died.

Picking up the change from the cashier, you lift the heavy plastic bags and walk towards your car. As you reached your apartment, you heard a loud snore from outside of your house. That must be him. You silently open the door and close back the door but unfortunately the door makes a godly squeaky sound which makes a lean man burst his eyes open from the sofa.

" Y/n! " the man rubs his eyes and smiles as his wobbly posture moves towards you with half lidded eyes, he's probably tired today . You stroked his hair with your free hands as he clings his body on your waist, his face in your tummy.

"Hey there Yongguk, never thought you would come to my apartment today. Didn't you have work tomorrow?" You lift his hoodie onto his head and feels the soft fabric of his hoodie with your fingers.

"Stay like this a bit longer please" you heard his voice muffling from your sweater. You put your groceries on the floor and continue to stroke his soft hair. You have been allowing Yongguk to come to your house every Saturday because both of you are free on that day. You would play video games, watch movies and even order food and eat together. If someone ever ask you your favorite day, it will be Saturday, the day you get to have company with Yongguk.

But there's always this feeling that makes you feel safe, protected and filled. Yongguk is a person who acknowledges skinship, at moments you would have him hugging you and cried how hard training has been, and also those moments where he would kiss your wounds whenever you played with Tolbi and that cat scratches your hand. And those questionable moments where you would feel him lifting you up from the couch towards your bedroom when you're asleep after a marathon of movies and feeling his warm hands stroking the sides of your face.

He never said anything about having feeling for me, is he doing all of this to fill up his loneliness?

"You wanna help me with cooking today? Hm? I bought pasta today since you said you want my spaghetti carbonara again " you press both hands against the sides of his face leaving  pouty lips on him as he nods. He releases you and help you to lift the groceries towards the kitchen. Yongguk doesn't talk much,but having him always in your apartment makes you understand his gestures. As you stir the carbonara in the pot, you keep on taking a glance at him. Usually he would be in the living room watching dramas. Strangely he keeps an eye on me. You served the dish on the table. Yongguk smiles widely and digs into the food you made.

You look at you food. Those moments keep on playing in your head. The moments you and Yongguk together in the apartment. Both of you never went outside together unfortunately, but it doesn't matter because being with him is the most important thing.
Yongguk would only think me as a partner, not more than that, I'm born lonely, no one wants me, they only look for me whenever they need me, that's all. I am less important to anyone..

I love him, his smiles, his jokes, his warmth, and everything about him. I want to be by his side but can I?

"Y/n" you snapped out from your thoughts. You look back at the person in front of you who stopped eating.
"Baby girl are you alright? You're crying" the words that came from Yongguk's mouth make you heart beats fast. You see his eyes getting red. The fact that both of you cry if one of you cries hits you hard. You burst from the chair and try to run towards your bedroom but Yongguk was fast enough to catch you before you reach your bedroom. You can't look at his face since you're already a crying mess in front of him.Yongguk took your hand to the bedroom leaving the cold food behind and slowly hugs you as he slowly closes the door. He rocks you side to side and wipes off your tears.

" I want you.. Yongguk I want you everyday in my life, not only on Saturdays but everyday." Yongguk took both of your hands in his and smiles angelically.

"Y/n, before you even thought of that, I have always wanted to be with you as well, not just as a partner, but as the love of my life. I want you in my life, you're important to me I would be selfless without you, I love you" he leans towards your face and gives a light kiss on your forehead slowly moving towards your lips. You melt into his kiss as he kisses you slowly devouring every inch of your lips. It was your first kiss and you love to the fact that he owns your first kiss. 

"I love you too Yongguk" both of you fell into the night enjoying each other's presence and love that empowers in the air.

Thanks for reading!! Feel free to leave request or even scenarios you want to.. it might be a bit crappy but I'll work hard!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2018 ⏰

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