J Paul Molinere

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You had been with J Paul for 5 years. So you were used to gator hunting and the native ways. This year with gator prices being at an all time low. Rj and J Paul decided to run 2 boats this year. Rj asked his brother to be his deck hand that left J Paul to find a deck hand for his boat.

J Paul POV

With the prices the way they are. Plus buyers threatening to close early. My dad and I had to run 2 boats this year. My dad and uncle were going to be on one boat. I had yet to find a reliable deck hand. Gator season starts tomorrow and I have no help. I knew I was down to my last resort. My wife Aspen.....

"Aspen come see for a minute!" I yelled into the door of our home.

She came from the kitchen and came onto the front porch with me. I sat on the swing and she sat beside me.

"What's up?" She asked.

"Well, this is my last resort. I can't find a deck hand and I need help." I said.

"So, you're asking me to go out on the boat with you?" She asked.

"Yes, but just in case I need help. You are not to leave the seat unless I tell you to. I don't need you out there getting dehydrated or getting pulled into the water." I said.

"So basically you want to waste my time by sitting on a boat for my health?" She said.

"No, I'm not saying that. You know you can't do everything you used be able to do a year ago. You just had a baby 3 months ago. Your pelvis still isn't healed right the doctor said." I said.

When Aspen was in labor with our baby girl. On the way to the hospital against my demands she drove herself. I was a hour away working and she insisted she was fine to drive. While driving to TMC ( Terrebonne Medical Center (I currently live in Houma lol so some things will be specific in their imagines) She got in a car accident with a reckless driver. The impact was on her side the car and it smashed her pelvic bone. Our daughter was born by C-section so that wasn't healed all the way either. So damn right I was nervous about bringing her on the boat.

Aspen POV

J Paul worries to much. I know my limitations. I'm quiet aware of what happened to me. I never said I was going to fight a 12 foot behemoth. I used to gator hunt with my uncles when I was younger. I do know my way around the boat. I'm not no city girl who is scared to get dirty. I have had 3 kids my body had been through a lot. I will not do what I used to do 4 years ago.

Next day

You and J Paul get up at 5am so that you can bring the kids to his mom's house. Once they are dropped off you meet at the gas station to meet up with his dad and uncle. Once you get there you get out the truck along with J Paul and go over to his dad and uncle to see who fishes which lines.

"Okay, here is yall lines. Now, Aspen I am sure J Paul has gave you the rules. Please don't go out there trying to prove anything. You have 3 kids that need a mom. One wrong move and that's a wrap." RJ said giving you another lecture.

"I know, I promised I wouldn't leave the chair unless told to." You said mentally rolling your eyes.

After getting everything on the boats. You both set out your different ways.

J Paul

Once we got to the landing I backed the boat in and helped Aspen in. She went to the driver seat. I had taught her to drive an air boat so I was trusting her to drive so that I could look for down lines.

"Remember what I taught you?" I asked.

"Yes sir." She said.

I laughed and sat next to her. We set off for our first line. Once we got there I got up to pull the line. I pulled it to the surcar and the gator went into a death roll. Only having one hand to hold the line and the other the gun was difficult. I didn't notice Aspen coming up beside me. She had grabbed her rifle and took the shot hitting the kill spot.

"This is going to be a long day If you already aren't listening." I said pulling the 9ft gator in the boat.

"Awe hush up." She said handing me a tag.

We finished our 50 lines pretty quick. We had 20 nice gators in the boat. We headed back to the landing to meet with my dad and uncle at the buyer. I watched as Aspen walked back to get the truck. She was clearly hurting. Oh this I told you so was going to be fun. I wasn't going to say anything just yet but it was coming. We drove to the buyer where my dad and uncle were waiting. We got out the truck and my dad had already saw Aspen.

"I take it she didn't listen?" He asked me.

"You know she is as stubborn as a mule." I said.

"I am- ow." She said holding her back.

"What was that?" I asked.

"I'm fine." She said.

"Well love you are bent over in pain and I know you can't run after me. So I am going to say it. I told you so." I said.

If eyes were bullets I would be dead. After getting our days pay. I decided to help Aspen out. I came up behind her and lifted her bridal style.

"Thank you." She said putting her head on my shoulder.

"What are husbands for." I said kissing her head.

I got her in the truck and drove home. I would say this was a pretty good day on the swamp.

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