elementary school

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(Just warning you before you read this there us going to be sexual harrassment, abuse, and bullying)

   " You idoit!!!" Maizono screamed at saihara, " you didnt even cook us dinner! That's it, no food for you for 2 weeks NOW GO TO THAT ROOM OF YOURS!!!"
Saihara ran to his room crying and slammed his door and started throwing his stuff. " WHY....why why why......why me..." those words spin in his head for a long time until he falls asleep on the floor.
       Next morning
Saihara woke up to pounding on his door and his father yelling for him to get ready for school" hurry up!! Or else youre going to walk there yourself!!" His father didnt used to be like this, he was caring and nice but my mom passed away and be got married to maizono. Saihara got ready for school and left without breakfast or even telling them.
   At school
Saihara arrived at school and before be knew he was surrounded by his bullies.
"Hey saihara, do you have our money?" Saihara shook his head, " well, if you dont have my money...that means we can beat you up!!"he said laughing.
They started punching him and kicking him, they pulled his shirt up and his pants down and then his underwear. "Ok, you guys know what to do!" He said smirking
    Time skip
   After they were done they left saihara in the ground and left. Saihara got up and put his clothes on, school was almost over and saihara just wore a blank face on the way home because wveryday this happens and hes used to it.
        Mean while at Oumas house
  " awww thank you kokichi, this drawing is beautiful!" His mother said, "  Togami come look at what kokichi drew us!" Togami made his way over there and kneeled down to meet oumas eye and hugged ouma," thank you! Now what are we going to make for dinner" ouma raised his hand jumping up and down, " i know i know, how about pizza" they looked at each other and laughed" sure kokichi, why not" his mother implied.
  When dinner was over kokichi asked to go play out side and they said ok. Kyoko went to the room and ws wandering how Naegi was doing, for she jas not seen him in awhile and was wandering if had got a wife. "Togami, do you think we should go and see how Makoto is doing?? We havent seen him since the......game" togami walked in and nodded his head and said"how about tommorrow? We can also bring kokichi"
     At saiharas house
Saihara had made dinner like told amd went up stairs. Makoto yelled for saihara to come down, " shuichi come here!" When he got down there he was told to sit on the floor and listen,
" kyoko is coming over and is going to soend the night with us, is that ok maizono?" Maizono spoke"who is she bringing?"
"Her son and husband."
"Ok then yes she can come over"
   The next day
They had told saihara to be good and to behave, saihara heard knocking on the door and got naegi" Naegi someones here" Naegi deep down hated to be mean to his son and felt so sadened when saihara had called him by his name and not "dad".
Naegi went to the door and opened it,
" morning kyoko, togami and....?"
"Kokichi" kyoko said
" well come on in, maizono isnt going to be home for awhile, oh and this is shuichi. Come here shuichi and say hi" shuichi came and when the other two saw him they became worried
"What happened to him?! Hes hurt everywhere!!" Kyoko said panicked
Kokichi just walked over to saihara and gave him a hug and asked if hes ok. Saihata nodded his head and said" i fell" with a blank face. Kyoko figured out he was lying because well, shes a detective. She went along with it so she would not frighten the child with questions. At dinner, maizono was still not home and had texted that she will not come back for awhile because of her job, everyone was eating except saihara because he had been told not to eat for 2 weeks. " why arent you eating"kyoko asked" because i cant" naegi panicked for two reasons, 1 he doesnt want her to find out how shuichi has been treated and 2 because he is alittle worried about Saiharas health. Later that night kyoko foynd a way to make him eat because she had found out how he was being treated but since makoto only was mean to him because maizono threatened him so she didnt want to take him away from makoto, anyway she acted alittle bit like maizono and told him to eat so he did and she was happy because she found a way to help him by yelling at him but in a good way.

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