They Meet The Cullens

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Why why WHY, did i agree to this???  We are at the Cullens door. UGH. "Knock knock knockity knock knock" Jemma yelled cheerfully at the door. "Umm hello?" we heard a voice say before opening the door. As soon as the door opened they stopped in their tracks. "Haiii" Jemma said. "AHEM" Persephone started "Hello. I am Persephone. This is Drew, Jemma, Dane, and Rae, whom youve already met."  Oooh no. Ugh whyyyy. "Oh... um... Hi. Im Edward, this is Alice, Bella, Jasper, Rosalie, Emmett, Carlisle, Esme, and Victoria." 'Oh thats nice😌 He introduced me as one in the family' I heard Victoria's thoughts. I guess shes new. "We wanted to come introduce our coven." Drew said after a while. "Hey, um, can you be a bit quieter?" Edward started "We have a human girl sleeping. Bella, thats her name." I looked at the beautiful human laying in the red head's lap. She was going to be a shield if she was turned. A shield and a copy. (A/N every time Rae copies a power, it stays with her. She copied someone who could tell powers.) She wont be able to copy much though. Maybe just the mental powers. Like Jane and Edward.  Her shield will be special. Different per say. "Its odd. Weve never met another vampire lesbian couple. Its nice." Rose said to Drew and Persephone as she interlaced her fingers with Alice's. "Except Vee and BB but BB's not one of us so she doesnt count," Alice said winking at Victoria. "Lets go around and introduce ourselves. Hullo, im Carlisle. Im the coven leader and the creator of all of them except Victoria and Bella." Carlisle walked forward and introduced himself. "Haiyo!! Im Alice but you can call me Ali or Addie." Alice bounded forward and did a little curtsey. "Im Rosalie." Rosalie said with a small wave. "Hallo, im Emmett. You can call me Em. You guys seem nice," Emmett said with a grin. "Im Jasper. Emmett's mate. Hehe," Jasper said and kissed Emmett's cheek. "Hello! Im Esme, i consider myself a mother to all of these guys," Esme seems like a very sweet, peaceful person. "Im Persephone. I am creator and coven leader," Peanie said, walking up to Carlisle to shake his hand. "Im Drew. Im Persephone's mate. You all seem like very nice people," DD said walking up to Persephone to hold her hand. "Immmm Jemma! I like all of you already!" Jem said with such excitement i couldn't help but giggle.
"Sorry, Im Rae. Youve all already met me, but hai!" i said with a wave and a charming smile. "Im Dean. Im Rae's mate." he said, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me closer to him. I giggled. Then Alice giggled. I looked at her and smiled. 'We're going to be good friends' i said to her in her mind with a wink. 'Yup!' she replied. "Im Dane. Im Jem's mate." Dane put his arm around Jem's shoulders and they smiled at each other. "Hai, sorry, im Victoria. Call me Vicky or Tori. Sorry again, Bella is still asleep." the red head on the couch whispered. "Soooo, now what?" Edward asked. I looked at him and he  smiled as he read my mind. "Oh really?" he asked excitedly. "Really." "Oh wow thats so cool!!" he said. "What just happened???" a confused Rose questioned. "Oh, she can tell what power certain humans will have if they are turned. Bella is going to be a shield and a slight copy. She will only be able to copy mental powers, such as mine and Jane's," Edward explained to everyone. "Oh cool! Sounds nice," Emmett said looking a bit jealous. "Hewo?" we all heard a soft voice say. "Oh, hello Bell, the sleeping beauty awakes?" Victoria said as Bella started rubbing her eyes. "Dont call me thaaaat," Bella whined playfully. She opened her eyes and looked around. At first, all she saw was the Culllens, but then she looked over to see us. "Oh,... Um... Hello?" she looked confused. Alice laughed introduced us, "This is the new coven in town. Rae, Dean, Drew, Persephone,  Jemma, and Dane. They came to say hai." i smiled a charming smile while the rest of us waved. "Pleasure to meet you," Persephone said. "Y-yea... Me too..."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2018 ⏰

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